Our school have been setting us some unusual challenges recently.
The letter we got last week instructed us to take a photograph of our child reading in an unusual place! After a few failed attempts (including a climbing wall and the sea), we ended up with these pictures….
Now on to this weeks challenge – we have to decorate an egg and take care of it for a week! A whole week without it cracking is highly unlikely considering ours have already been on the trampoline because they wanted to play out. We also have to write a diary for our eggs and take our fragile friends to visit lots of ‘interesting’ places.
I’m sure our homework used to be easier than this when I was at school 😉
lol! I like the concept, made me laugh!
All you need for this is a sheet of A4 paper, some colouring pens and a pair of scissors so it was ideal for us today as we couldn’t be bothered with any faffing about.