Every few months or so I review our monthly budget to see where we can save a bit extra, it’s always me that does this as Mr Frugal genuinely does not have a clue about money. As long as the ATM always gives him a tenner when he wants it then he’s a happy bunny 😉
I have done this since last August (here) so I’m hoping there’ll be loads of tweaks I can make:
Income details
Salary (after tax) – £2440(combined)
Family Allowance – £125
Child Tax Credits – £40
Total – £2595
Household details
Food Shopping – £250 (Getting better here lol)
Mortgage – £812
Council tax – £134
Gas / Electricity – £110
Phone / Internet – £35
Water – £20 (on a metre now and saving loads_
Financial Products
Card payments- £197
Home Insurance – £30 (Just got renewal and its increased so I am going to try and get a better quote)
Life Insurance – £5 (Need to get this sorted)
TV licence / Satellite – £40
Mobile Phone (both phones) £50
Petrol – £160
Car maintenance / tax – £20
Car Insurance – £30
Budget Summary
Total Income – £2595
Total Spending – £ 1893
Total Left Over – £702
Things are definately looking up on the financial front as Mr Frugal is going to be working nights Monday-Friday for a little while. It’s not as bad as it sounds because he used to start work at 5am, come home and have bit of a sleep and then pick the kids up from school, whereas now he starts at 11pm, comes home at 7am and has his sleep when the kids are at school. We don’t see each other any less really and he gets extra from his work to do the nights. He says it also means his job is much easier as he can just get on with it. I have included his extra money in my budget as it could be permanent but as it could just be short term we need to make sure that we don’t get used to it.
There are a few things that stand out as areas where I can reduce our costs though:
- Card Payments – I am going to pay extra to them each month to get these down as quickly as possible. I have worked out which ones to pay first using the snowball calculater here)
- Home Insurance – We just got our renewal through last week and its gone up although we do get £50 cashback if we stay with them. I am going to have a look on Quidco to see if I can find a better quote with a bit extra cashback.
- Mobile phones – I have one of those cute LG cookie phones in pink on contract for £15.00 a month, I rarely use it so I’m happy with that deal. Mr Frugal has a Blackberry at £35.00 a month and he’s actually out of contract so he should be able to get a pretty good deal. If not he can cancel and go pay as you go!
- On a more long term basis, I want to pay some extra off my mortgage each month, using the calculater here, I can see that if I pay an extra £50.00 a month I will knock three years off my loan length and save £15645.00.
- I also need to sort out some life insurance as the cover we have is clearly not adequate at a fiver a month!
- Also, as a way of earning a bit extra i signed up to Usborne books but never really got into it. Now might be the time to sort myself out with that and I could use the extra to pay off some of our credit cards.
Even though it looks as though we will have about £700 left over each month after our bills, we need to remember that we always overspend and spent most of last year (and this year to date) well into our overdraft. I am due a bonus this month that should go some way to sorting that out and we need to make sure that we are super careful that once we are out of this position, we don’t ever get back in to it.
Sorry for the long boring post, normal service will now be resumed lol.
Whats family allowance? Thought it was a name for when working tax credit and child tax credit came in one payment
ha ha it\’s what my mam used to call child benefit x
I have an account with Park Hampers which I run just for myself. I transfer £10 each week (which is quite painless) and have £400 of shopping vouchers to use for Christmas
That\’s a great way to save, you don\’t miss it weekly but at the end of the year you have a nice amount to put towards Christmas x
Hi Angela
I couldn't agree more – it's the kids who are benefitting from our new lifestyle…. We spend so much time together now but you are right I need to budget for some fun stuff so I don't need to worry when we want to do something fun.
Thanks again x x
Well done for sorting out a proper budget. Do check out Martyn Lewis Money saving Expert [get his book from the library or look at his website] But – and this is REALLY important [I am speaking as a woman in her fifties with a lifetime of budgetting on a tiny income] DO make time for yourselves as a couple and for quality family time together, and budget for that [that can be just ice creams in the park, it does NOT have to be a week in disneyland!!]. You will never get these precious days with the little ones back again – and believe me, when they are grown up they will remember the special moments.
love and blessings xx
Thats a good idea to get a new card with a 0% balance transfer on it. Every little helps doesn't it…
I think we might start having pocketmoney each and I am going to have a separate bank account for saving for things like birthdays and Xmas.
I do feel good being in control – at least I will when I can see it working lol
Hi there, Are you paying interest on your c/c's ? If you are, look into switching over to another company as most offer at least 1 year of interest free for balance transfers. We also work on a similar joint income with our mortgage about the same too. I know you have £700 left over but don't forget pocket money for you both each week and birthdays/other presents/things for the kids and so on…it soon goes doesn't it. I have now started saving for Xmas 2010 – any £2 coin that comes into my house goes into the Xmas savings tin lol. We too are really trying to be careful with spending…it's really hard as for the last 20 years if we wanted anything we went out and got it and put it on a card…but not anymore. It's quite liberating being in control of your finances isn't it. Sue x
I enjoyed that post – thanks. I am trying to review our spends but its so hard at the moment. My husband and I have lost over 2 stone so new clothes for a start. Nice to know you have a similar income to us ours is a little more. btw jealous of your choc chocs x Looking forward to your next post!!