Today is National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day – Really it is, it says so here.
So in honour of this special day we’ve made peanut butter cookies….
It has got to be the simplest recipe in the world and I know that I always say this but this time it’s the simplest recipe ever.
Peanut Butter Cookies
1 cup peanut butter (smooth or crunchy)
1 cup sugar
1 egg
Here’s Miss Frugal’s recipe notes.
Literally, all you do is mix it up and blob it onto a greased baking tray.
Cook it for 7 – 10 minutes in an oven set to about 180 c
We made a vlog of Miss Frugal making the cookies because she wanted to be in a film like Hannah Montana – You’ll be relieved to know that there’s nothing in the video that you need to see to make the cookies lol so it’s not required watching.
[youtube=]When the cookies cool down, you can drizzle some melted chocolate over the top if you want for an extra Domestic Goddess touch!
Really simple, a great idea for children.
No problem 😉
They are so nice as well – very moreish though…
This a brilliant recipe and just up my street because of its simplicity. Thank you to a very talented Miss Frugal. And to you for tweeting me the link.
CJ xx