I’m not a huge fan of Mother’s Day.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not averse to being pampered for the day and I’m more than OK with having the kids make me homemade cards and give me breakfast in bed but Mother’s Day just isn’t the same since my Mum died 10 years ago this year.
To some, Mothers Day is just one not particularly important day but to someone like me who’s lost a mother, it’s a day (with a very long build up to it) that makes me focus on what I’ve lost and what I don’t have any more.
Top of the list of the reasons why Mothers Day isn’t a great time for me is the constant barrage of emails and TV adverts at this time of year telling me to spoil my Mum because believe me, I’d give anything to be able to do that.
Actually, I’d give anything just to be able to give her a hug and tell her how much I miss her.
But I want this year to be different.
This year, 10 years after my Mum died, I want to be able to enjoy the day and celebrate not only my relationship with my children but also my Mum’s relationship with me. I’m going to focus on the positive and let the day be about me and then, after the kids have gone to bed, I’ll open a bottle of wine and have a toast to the loveliest lady I ever knew – my Mum.
I lost my own Mam very, very suddenly last year shortly after Mother's Day. I am a Mammy myself to 2 beautiful children, but at times feel very lost & lonely without my own Mamma here.
I'm only 33, feel far too young to have lost my Mam – but I suppose there is never going to be a good time. I'm going to try my best to enjoy Sunday. My little 5 yo told me she'd made a card at school today, but can completely understand where you're coming from. It's very difficult hearing all the 'Mum in a million' type campaigns that fill the air at the moment, even though Mumma's should 1000% be celebrated. I don't have mine & she doesn't have me. I look forward to the day where I can only be thankful for the times we had and not feel this sadness that touches us all.
Have a lovely Mothers Day x
Aw, you really have to spend the Mother's Day for your kids to experience it.