Dear Katie Hopkins,
Last week I was mildly irritated when you made some (in my mind) ridiculous comments about how you judged children by their names. I watched the clip on YouTube and like the vast majority of people who did, cheered when Holly Willoughby put you in your place by cutting you off while you were speaking. But life’s too short to worry about things I can’t control so I moved on and forgot all about you.
But then today someone has kindly filled me in on your opinions about ginger babies and this time, at the risk of sounding like a corny Hollywood movie, this time it’s personal.
Ginger babies. Like a baby. Just so much harder to love.
Katie Hopkins. Twitter 04/07/13
Do you really think that or is it just another outspoken statement designed to create controversy to make you an in demand guest on the TV and radio? You see, I’m pretty sure that you are saying these things to create a reaction in people (and yes, I know that’s what I’m doing right now so you win) rather than voicing your own opinions. I think you ‘sell’ better when you’re controversial so you make ridiculous statements like you have been doing lately.
Are you really so shallow that the first question you asked when your child was born was ‘Is he ginger?’ rather than asking if he was OK? Or is that just a made up story to get more reaction from people? I have a pretty low opinion of you but I’m convinced that any mother would be more concerned about the well being of their child than worrying about their hair colour so I have to assume that this wouldn’t genuinely have been the first question you asked.
And if it was, then I pity your children more than I did before. Children learn from their parents and if you’re not careful, your children will grow up to be unpopular, prejudiced and judgmental but hey, at least they won’t be ginger!
You may have guessed by now that my children both have ginger hair and I could not love them any more. They are kind and loving, caring and intelligent – all of the things that matter. I tell my children they are beautiful and handsome (not politically correct I know) every day and I want them to grow up happy and confident and then someone like you comes along with remarks like you made on Twitter last week.
Have you considered the fact that your one tweet was retweeted 1124 times and even with limited knowledge about the reach of Twitter, I know that this means your silly, silly opinion will have been seen by more people than I could ever hope to reach with this post.
We need to teach our children to be accepting of others and not to judge someone by their name or hair colour. In fact to judge someone by their name and hair colour is the same as treating people differently because of their skin colour, or their age or even if they have a disability. The example you’re setting, for not only your children but for a whole generation of children is wrong.
So please, next time you speak. Think about what you’re about to say and the impact it will have on others.
Think about the little boy who lives near to us who is now being bullied because his name is the same as one of those that you mentioned on This Morning last week and think about my daughter who has just asked me what’s so wrong with ginger people that you don’t like them. Because whether I like it or not, children are aware of your opinions – be it through their parents or from watching you on TV and to me, that means you, Katie Hopkins, should be setting a better example.
Thank you.
Excellent post, Here great efforts share, thanks for sharing such type of informative post.
What a beautiful pair of children! There should be no prejudice against giner ppl anyway it’s insane. She’s only jealous because she doesn’t have such a gorgeous hair colour. Redheads in all their richness (from the strawberry blonde, to the almost golden, the bright orange, and mahogany brown auburns) are truly lovely. So don’t take any notice of this Hatie Katie moron! My daughter’s a redhead and wouldn’t put up with any of this daft bitch’s comments. She’s a total waste of sperm! Your kids are a credit to you, lovely – bellisimo.
Well said, people with views like this should not be allowed on the media to spread deluded opinions which cause so much hurt! Your children are adorable and will grow up to be a credit to society with your parenting skills unlike Katie's children if they listen to her mothers vile remarks. I would like to add that i have one child who is blonde and none of my family are "ginger" but i think that it is a beautiful unusual colour of hair to be proud of!!
Scuse my language and please ignore if you ate easily offended
I bet everyone who went to school with Katie Hopkins thought she was a right cunt.
I was sad my children wer blond n not red like myself.even called my daughter amber in the hope.i now dye my hair auburn (red) coz I loved my childhood colour.she is a hypocrite doesnt agree wth kids being named after countries either.i guess india was named after her daughter n not the other way around.she needs a reality check.i hope if she needs hospital treatment a red head doctor kylie tells her tp piss off lol x
Well said, and that woman Katie Hopkins, well she has personality issues, she probably fights with her partner and and what she can't deal with in her personal life she allows to spill over into the public light, she is a sad unhappy lonely soul.
I won't criticise this ridiculous woman for not having a maternal bone in her body, it's the fact that she doesn't have a DECENT bone in her body that irks me! She's just nasty, but hey – sooner or later the chickens will come home to roost.
And by the way – there is nothing cuter than a ginger baby!
I understand what you’re saying but believe me that as a 31 year old redhead the prejudices were there way before this woman. She is rehashing every idea that had already been thought without coming up with anything new, enlightening or funny! People need to learn, not to ignore these opinions (because they are out there even if we get her off the telly) that Other people’s opinions do not matter and that as long as you are hale an herty (healthy and happy) what does it even matter if this random stranger, who you’ve never met, had a negative opinion of you.
Self, family, friends, acquaintances, strangers. In that order.
this is something i have not ever study.very comprehensive analysis.
Totally agree with you – this woman is totally ridiculous!
A vile excuse of a woman. She doesnt like geographical or flower names. Her kids are India and Poppy. What a pathetic woman. End of.
Well done you! Needed to be said and totally agree with everything you are saying! What a silly, sad woman she is!
I agree with everything you said- I'm a red head myself and my son is too- he does professional acting at it has NOT impeded that at all. He also is extremely popular at school and I know through a friend that she said to her mum- 'You gotta love gingers because of Alex' !!! My god this women just doesn't stop! She's a bloody nightmare xx
Chick, I always read (and love) your blog but never post. I e-mailed, I think it was, the BBC at the time, after seeing her to complain. She made offensive comments about public sector workers, something along the lines of being boring georges, sitting with their feet up, clocking out at 3pm. On that day I'd done a full shift and was working as part of my job from 8pm to 4.30am on top. After I regretted as she feeds off the publicity and notoriety. The less said the better and don't give her air space. The comments she has made regarding beautiful children are nothing less than bullying, offensive and vile. Your children are beautiul and you are a fantastic mother. What a terrible, blinkered, detrimental view of the world KH's will have if she raises them in her manner. Louise x
Well put!
The sad, sad thing is her children will bear the brunt of her ridiculousness. They will end up friendless no least because they will no doubt repeat her words of 'wisdom' to their classmates and I expect other parents will want to avoid her meaning her children will miss out on social events. The worst outcome would be that her little ones grow up to be like her 🙁
And yes, she should be ignored but it is VERY hard to do so when she has made comments which personally attack ourselves and/or the ones we love.
Well said.
What a spiteful woman, so desperate for attention. It's a pity the only "talent" she has is making snide, nasty comments about people!
I really feel for her poor children, I hope they have other people in their lives who will be a good role model for them.
I think ginger hair is gorgeous.
I feel this annoying woman is attention seeker,a irresponsible one too; she must grow up for the sake o her children.
As for being a redhead that's a real blessing, I love them:-)
Well said, the woman is a nasty troll and her children are in a very unfortunate position. I feel sorry for them that they are surrounded by such poison.
Great post. My husband is ginger and I love him for it. You're spot on the mark – she says these things for publicity. I thought she was vile from the moment she appeared on The Apprentice and my opinion hasn't changed. Her views on women in the workplace and motherhood are horrendous. She's a sad individual who can only get attention by making these outrageous statements. That says an awful lot about her.
Well said! I'm fed up of ginger racism, HOW is it considered acceptable!? I like Mick Hucknall's Twitter quote: "Let’s play a game: whenever you read “ginger” try replacing it with “black” or “asian” and see how it reads."
I make u 100% right there less see who’s racist then…its just pure bullying. .my daughters ginger and if ever I see that Katie Hopkins I would slap her for judging ginger people..its a lovely colour shame she has to go and pay for her blonde bleached hair with terrible roots and still looks like a dog. .I hate this women with a passion
Well said, great post. Anything that women ever says makes my blood boil, she is so annoying and a total waste of space in my opinion! xx
Who is Katie Hopkins? Never heard of her, and actually fwiw I adore that colour hair – wish I had it myself. So much more striking and naturally beautiful than bleach blonde or "mahogany" #shadersaresoeighties
I wrote something similar (but with much swearing) as a mum of two gingers. I think she is almost becoming a parody now, what else is there left for her to attack?
What I don't understand is why people like her continue to get air time.
Well said – what a pathetic individual Katie Hopkins really is – putting some misguided hope of fame above morals and the well being of her own children!
Too ruddy right – well said! That poor boy who is now being bullied – did that woman think that they would be no fall out on what she said?!
Well said. What sort of ideas is she putting into the minds of her poor kids. Idiot!
I completely agree with everything you have said. I thought it was brilliant when Phillip Schofield challenged her opinion. He went on to list top achievers with the names she dislikes. He also highlighted how she had said she hated geographical names but had actually named her daughter India, she tried to then claim it wasn't geographical.
Well said!
You can’t help but feel for her kids, this Woman doesn’t seem to have a maternal bone in her body. “Nothing worse than a ginger boy” that is the most pathetic thing to be concerned about during childbirth, when a million things could go wrong and anything could happen to your little one. Speaks volumes.
She says these things for the reaction. Money is more important to her and she will sell her soul for gold. You know my opinions. Red hair is a blessing, just as your children are and we are lucky to have them and you in our lives
she is just a total idiot! as you say, she seems just desperate for attentions so spouts any crap thats a bit "contraversial"
red hair is nice – its good to be a bit different and have something rare. it can look gorgeous!! and your kids are lovely
What a ridiculous woman! I have always want red hair and am actually currently considering dyeing it at the moment.
You're so right. And I think your children look gorgeous – with beautiful hair.
Personally, I'm not a fan of some of the types of names she was talking about. However, that's not the child's fault and it's up to the parents and personality of the child on what they are like as a person, not their name. It's also the choice of the parent what they call their child.
She is the typical example of someone who is that insecure about herself she has to pick on others.
Well said. Completely agree.
Your children look so cute and I think ginger adults have so much character and strength because they have had the mick taken out of them by idiots like her and this just makes them stronger. I pity her children, yours can hold there beautiful ginger heads high and be proud to have a mum like you xxxx