Slight trauma yesterday when we had to take Master Frugal to the hospital… He came off worst in a fight with the Wii remote.
He had taken the safety strap off his wrist and was swinging it round while waiting for his turn and somehow managed to swing it full force into his mouth. There was blood everywhere (including my carpet – we’ll get to that later though) and looking at it initially Mr Frugal thought that his tooth had bit right through. The blood was literally pouring out so we took him straight to the little A & E near us. They managed to stop the bleeding and confirmed that he hadn’t actually bit right through but he had two separate cuts – one on the inside from his tooth and one on the outside from the Wii remote – Bless him.
He was so brave but he looked so scared that I could have cried for him, he snuggled up to me all last night and just before he went to bed he said ‘are you glad I never died mammy’. Bit of a drama queen in the making there I think!
So, now he’s ok I can worry about the blood on my nice cream carpet. I have seen a few different hints and tips to get rid of it without having to spend a fortune on expensive cleaners or stain removers so I am going to try those before I pop to Tescos and buy a stain devil stick.
Apparently blood is slightly salty and water alone makes the red blood cells burst (haemolysis) which releases the red pigment, haemoglobulin (and might possibly stain more). The most popular suggestion that I have found is to dab salty cold water on the stain so I tried that one first and managed to successfully remove about 90% of the blood. I then got out my trusty stardrops and managed to get rid of the rest.
Job done!
Thank you.
I suppose it won't be the last time that we end up there with him.
He's feeling loads better now but still looks a bit bruised bless him.
So glad that he is OK,
having two boys myself I have spent more than one occasion in A&E;, and it's not pleasant, but it's better to be safe.