There are so many different ways that you can make money online and even though, I've probably talked about a fair few of them in the past, I thought I'd start a little mini-series where we look at each one in a bit more detail. Today, I'm going to tell you how you can easily earn £200+ with 20Cogs.20Cogs is a really easy way to make money online - either from the comfort of your settee or using your mobile when you're out and about. When I first signed up, I actually worked through quite a few of the cogs while I was sat in the car waiting for the kids to finish their various … [Read more...]
August’s Frugal Fails – because I’m not always as frugal as you might think!….
This may come as a surprise to you (although more than likely not) but I'm not always a shining example of frugal-ness. ;-) I spend so much time on here sharing ways to save money and ideas on how to be frugal and rarely share much of the non-frugal side of my life so I thought I'd start a monthly post to share some of the slightly non-frugal things I've done! I hope it shows you that no-one's perfect This is the second post in my frugal fails series- the first is here and the second one is here if you want to see the last few month's frugal fails. Frugal Fail #1 - … [Read more...]
How to get cheaper car insurance if your mileage is low….
Do you want to know a cheeky little secret about how to get cheaper car insurance? Before I share the secret on how to get cheaper car insurance, let me tell you why I'm a bit car insurance mad at the moment. It's because Miss Frugal is 17 in a couple of weeks and she is campaigning hard right now for a car.The car itself isn't the issue as we have some money set aside for that as it was always our aim to get the kids a car when they passed their test. The issue is the car insurance, which I've had some quotes for that would make your eyes water. I knew it … [Read more...]
73 Things about ME….
OK, I've got something a bit different for you today. I'm going all old school blogging and joining in with the '73 things about me' post that's currently doing the rounds on various blogs.I haven't done anything like this in years but when I first started blogging they were the in thing to do but I've had lots of new followers lately so if nothing else, it's a chance to get to know me a little bit better. 1. What is your usual Starbuck’s order? Iced Chai Latte although I don't treat myself to one too often! There's a Starbucks in the building where I work that sells the drinks … [Read more...]
Apple and Honey Bran Muffins….
These Apple and Honey Bran Muffins really are lovely and they're definitely healthier than the average muffin!I remember when I was little, my Mam used to cook something with Kelloggs All-Bran but I have no clue what it was even though I can vividly remember her weighing out the All-Bran to go in it and I remember how much I enjoyed it just out of the oven. How odd is that?Every now and again, I have a go at making something with All-Bran in it in some sort of an attempt to recreate a childhood memory and last weekend, I had a go at making Apple and Honey Bran Muffins. They … [Read more...]
#BlastFromThePast – School Holiday Letters….
Every now and again, something happens to remind me of a post I’ve written at some point over the last 10 years or so that I’ve been blogging and I go back and dig out the post to have a quick read. Sometimes, I wish I could share the post all over again with you so I thought once a month I’d do exactly that and share an old post.Today’s post is about the traumas of Summer Holidays gone by but before I start, I should say that the reason I remembered about this post was that I was thinking about how the Summer Holidays have changed now that the kids are that bit older. At 16 … [Read more...]
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