Every week I share five frugal things that I've done during that week just to show you that the small things you do all add up to a great frugal lifestyle where you can learn to live a fabulously frugal life.Before I start though, as always feel that I should say that being frugal to me is about getting the best value for our money - it's not about doing without for us or about not having nice things. We all have different financial situations and we're all frugal for different reasons. 1) All of my washing has been dried on the line recently and I've even managed to … [Read more...]
Is it worth joining Costco?
If you've ever wondered if it's worth joining Costco then read on!(Not an ad or a sponsored post in case you're wondering)In case you're unsure, Costco is a membership only shop (more of a warehouse really) that sells things in bulk for what they call 'deeply discounted' prices. I joined recently in the hope of saving some money on our grocery shopping and after a couple of visits, I thought I'd share my thoughts... How to join Costco You pay an annual membership fee which varies depending on whether it's an individual membership or a trade membership...There are … [Read more...]
The ‘REAL’ cost of Prom….
How much does prom really cost? Read on and I'll tell you the real cost of prom for us...As you might already know, last week was Miss Frugal's prom which is a night she's been looking forward to since she was in junior school. Whatever you might think of prom personally, to your average teenage girl, it's a big deal. A huge deal and I wanted it to be a special night for her.It's wasn't cheap but I didn't expect it to be really as I read last year that the average spend on prom was somewhere between £500 and £800. That's way more than I had any intention of spending at the … [Read more...]
#MealPlanningMonday – Fridge bottom gnocchi. ….
After the success of last week's #MealPlanningMonday post which featured my recipe for sausage and pesto pasta bake, I thought I'd share another quick and easy recipe with you along with this week's meals - fridge bottom gnocchi.Before I share the recipe (if you can call it that), let's go through the meal plan itself...Monday - Fridge bottom gnocchi is my new favourite meal but I won't go into too much detail here as you'll read more below. Tuesday - We haven't had tuna pasta bake in so long so I thought I'd have a go at teaching Miss Frugal to make it … [Read more...]
June’s Frugal Fails – because I’m not always as frugal as you might think!….
This may come as a surprise to you (although more than likely not) but I'm not always a shining example of frugal-ness. ;-) I spend so much time on here sharing ways to save money and ideas on how to be frugal and rarely share much of the non-frugal side of my life so I thought I'd start a monthly post to share some of the slightly non-frugal things I've done! Frugal Fail #1 - Ready made pancake batter mixI did not even know this existed until I rocked up at Costco last weekend but this is 4.6kg of dried buttermilk pancake mix, which, in my defence was about £6 and will … [Read more...]
How to Organise Your Week with this FREE printable weekly planner…
Today I'm going to tell you how you can organise your week with this free printable weekly planner! It's both pretty and practical so I hope you love it as much as I do...Life is a bit busy around here these days and the last few weeks especially have felt like an uphill battle as far as being organised is concerned. I've had all sorts of appointments and meetings going on and as much as I love keeping track of things in Google Calendar, there's nothing like seeing things written down. Lots of planners that you can print are just daily planners but this free … [Read more...]
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