1) Instead of having a fireworks display at home as we planned (until we worked out how much it would cost) we ended up going to an organised fireworks display which was lovely and completely free! We had been planning a bit of a display at home because last year we found the display at the rugby club in town to be really busy with way too many people crammed in but this year we went to a display in a village near where we live and it was much, much better.We obviously had sparklers at home but they were quite cheap - I think there were five for a pound in the packs we bought!2) … [Read more...]
Yummy Avocado Brownies….
Miss Frugal has gone avocado mad lately and would have Avocado toast for every meal if I let her. When we found ourselves with a bit of an avocado overload last weekend, we decided to switch it up a bit and make avocado brownies!First of all, I want to tell you how we ended up with so many avocados because we all know that they're not a particularly cheap thing to buy. Morrisons have started selling wonky fruit and vegetables and I found a pack of wonky avocados which had about five for £1.56 so I bought a pack but forgot we already had a two pack at home.We've been meaning to … [Read more...]
Visiting the Top of the Rock, New York….
I know it's been about six months since our trip to New York but there's still so much that I want to share with you! Today's post is all about visiting the Top of the Rock!Visiting the Top of the Rock was at the top of my must-see list when we were planning what we were going to do during our trip to New York but due to a fear of heights, it was actually at the bottom of Miss Frugal's list and she really, really didn't want to do it!The Top of the Rock is the name of the attraction at the top of the 70 floors high Rockerfeller Centre in case you were wondering. ;-)I managed … [Read more...]
Four of my most spectacular Pinterest fails….
It's not exactly a secret that I'm not the most crafty of bloggers but I do like to try and be as creative as often as I can- not always with the best results though! Today I'm going to share some of my most spectacular Pinterest fails....I love Pinterest and get a lot of my inspiration from things that I see on there but the problem is, not being very creative and not wanting to spend money on extra materials means that often, I try and re-create something I've seen on Pinterest my own way. Sometimes this works well for me but others, not so much.Here's a few of the times when … [Read more...]
16 Wonderful family traditions to start this year….
A Christmas family tradition doesn't have to be something your family have done for years and years or something that's been passed from generation to generation. It can be something you want to do each year with your own family so why not start a family tradition right now?Here are some ideas to help you start a family tradition of your own:1) Make a Family Alternative Advent Calendar filled with all of your favourite things to do as a family! I shared the things I put in ours here but you can tailor yours to what you know your family will enjoy. We love opening our envelopes … [Read more...]
Five Frugal Things I’ve done this week {3 November 2017}….
1) I bought some cheap white clay from Amazon and have used my £6 pack to make everything from coasters to Christmas decorations!I shared the Christmas decorations on Wednesday and I'm planning to share a few of the other things I've made this month but in the meantime, I'm going to class my purchase of the white clay as my first fabulously frugal thing for this week. ;-)2) I've started my Christmas cupboard this week although, due to the fact my cupboards are jam-packed right now, my Christmas cupboard is actually a big box in the garage. As a rule, I don't generally over-shop … [Read more...]
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