This time last month Miss Frugal and I were in the middle of our trip to New York which was genuinely an amazing few days for both of us. I've already told you a little bit about the trip itself so I wont bore you with that again but I do want to tell you about some of the things I learned while we were away together - specifically the things I learned about travelling with a teenager.Data Allowance When travelling with a teenager it is essential that you have plenty of data so they can Snapchat and Instagram to their hearts content. Honestly, if they can't share it on social media … [Read more...]
How to make time for more fun in your family (without spending any money)….
Being ill last year wasn't fun in any way but I did learn a few things about making time for fun and I think I'm a bit of a master at it now. ;-)The first thing I've learned is that a bit of planning never hurts when you want to have some spontaneous fun. I know, planning and spontaneous don't sound right together but bear with me....You can read my full post about how we plan our spontaneous fun here but basically the planning element is really that we have a bag in the back of our car which has a mix of fun and practical things - everything from a football to spare sun tan … [Read more...]
12 Frugal Habits to Live By….
I've been reading a bit about Dave Ramsay's 7 baby steps to financial peace and it makes a lot of sense to me.Step One is to set up an emergency fund of £1000 which we've been trying to do for a good year now but every time we get close, something happens that means we need to dip into our fund. We've had car breakdowns and repairs, oven fires, broken beds and all sorts of other things that have wiped out what we've saved so far. We're back down to zero now but hopefully we can get there one of these days and then we can move on to Step Two (which we're working on already at the same … [Read more...]
What we’re eating this week {08 May 2017}….
Last week was the first week in ages that I shared my meal plan with you on this blog instead of hiding it away on my meal planning blog.I shared it here for a couple of reasons - the first one is because I'm a little embarrassed by how neglected my poor little meal planning blog is at the moment but the main reason is because this month I wanted to have a BIG focus on our meal planning.I almost always write a meal plan for the week but lately I haven't been spending as much time on it as I used to so meal planning of late has consisted of me hurriedly scribbling five meals down on a … [Read more...]
Why I wish my children hadn’t done so well on their SATs….
If you're looking for tops on how to help your children with their SATs then look here.Next week, every Year 6 student (ages 10-11) will be taking their SATs which is a series of exams that will take place between Monday and Thursday. They'll then have to wait several months for the results which, in case you're wondering, are more important to the schools themselves as they're ranked according to the results of their students.The junior school my children went to was ranked as one of the top primary schools (out of around 20k other junior schools) in the UK for their SATs results … [Read more...]
The most amazing homemade Guacamole you’ve ever tasted….
We're pretty new to the trendy world of avocados and guacamole but I think you'll agree that we've caught up fast with this amazing homemade Guacamole!When Miss Frugal and I went to New York last month we discovered Chipotle which is a kind of fast food chain but the food is Mexican and honestly, the most amazing food I've had in a long time. We had it for lunch on three of the days we were there as we enjoyed it so much and it was really good value for money compared to some of the other things we could have chosen from.We're a bit gutted that there's not a Chipotle near us … [Read more...]
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