**I shared this post in 2021 but our council tax bill came today for the next twelve months and it reminded me that it might be a good idea to share it again**Unless you opt to pay your council tax over twelve months rather than the usual ten, February and March are the months of the year when you don't have to pay. That means there's no council tax to pay this month or next month for many of us. What are you planning to use your 'free' council tax money for?I love the months where we don't pay council tax because the amount we pay seems ridiculously high - we … [Read more...]
#OldSchool Meal Planning Monday {10th March 2025}….
As part of my frugal reset, I'm going to share my weekly meal plan on here for a couple of weeks - maybe longer depending on how much I enjoy writing these posts and if I feel like I need the accountability that I get from sharing something with you all!I've been meal planning again for a couple of weeks now and I'm starting to get everyone on board which is making it easier to stick to. It helps that I try and include meals that I know everyone enjoys and I focus on that more than choosing cheaper meals if that makes sense. I also make sure that I include plenty of salads and … [Read more...]
Amazing DIY Orange Peel Kitchen Spray….
This DIY Orange Peel Kitchen Spray smells amazing and more importantly, does a great job cleaning your kitchen and bathroom surfaces.Over the last couple of years, I've really started to enjoy making and experimenting with homemade cleaning products and one that I've made over and over is my DIY orange peel kitchen spray. I just love the citrus smell - so much so that I sometimes even add a cheeky few drops of sweet orange essential oil to add even more orange scent. This spray is fab for all your kitchen and your bathroom cleaning but I tend to use mine more in the … [Read more...]
Five Frugal Things we did this week {8th March 2025}….
Every week (ish) I share five frugal things that I've done during the previous week just to show you that the small things you do all add up to a great frugal lifestyle where you can learn to live a fabulously frugal life. Hey! 1) Remember, my intentional frugal reset a couple of weeks ago? In case you missed it, I realised that I'd started to relax a little more around some of the things that I used to be really strict around - the things that used to save me money on a regular basis so I decided to really focus my mind again on the basics of being … [Read more...]
Free Printable Spring Wall Art….
This free printable Spring Wall Art is exactly what you need to brighten up your walls and your days! I really am one of those people whose mood can be lifted by surrounding myself with pretty things and motivational quotes so pretty motivational wall art is right up my street and at this time of the year, with the sun starting to peek through the clouds more and more, this wall art is absolutely perfect for me.I like to have a few of my favourite quotes and prints framed and placed around the house on a permanent basis but since I discovered washi tape, I also love to make … [Read more...]
#OldSchool Meal Planning Monday {3rd March 2025}….
As part of my frugal reset, I'm going to share my weekly meal plan on here for a couple of weeks - maybe longer depending on how much I enjoy writing these posts and if I feel like I need the accountability that I get from sharing something with you all!I've been meal planning again for a couple of weeks now and I'm starting to get everyone on board which is making it easier to stick to. It helps that I try and include meals that I know everyone enjoys and I focus on that more than choosing cheaper meals if that makes sense. I also make sure that I include plenty of salads and … [Read more...]