We've all heard the saying that 'Money won't buy you happiness' and although I completely agree with that, I also can't deny that having money certainly makes like a lot easier! For that reason, I want my children to leave home (not yet but one day ;-)) with a healthy attitude to money and to be able to budget and save and do all the grown up money stuff that it took me years to figure out after I left home.As I was trying to list some of the things I do to with my two to help them learn about money, I actually realised that I do more than I thought I did and I bet you're the same - some … [Read more...]
Five Fabulously Frugal Things I’ve done this week {12th August 2016}….
1) I needed to some Turmeric this week to whip up a batch of our Nandos style spicy rice and I picked up a small jar of it in the spice aisle at our local Tesco - 85p for 45g I think it was. I carried on wandering with my shopping list and stopped at the ethnic food section to pick up some coconut milk and I managed to pick up a packet for 100g for just 99p which is double the amount for an extra 14p. Bargain!2) Stock up when you see something on offer! This week I've bought three packs of our favourite cheese as it's reduced to £1 from £1.79 and I've bought six packs of steak rub … [Read more...]
How to bake a cake with no butter and 10 other frugal food substitutions….
I can't tell you the number of times that I'm just about to cook something when I realise that I'm missing a vital ingredient! It's so frustrating because I either need to make an unscheduled trip to the shops (never a good idea) or change my meal plans for that day.But then I came across a post on Pinterest suggesting using apple sauce instead of butter in a cake when you've ran out of butter. I tried it and the resulting cake was absolutely delicious so I had a look into what other substitutions were possible.There's loads more than you would think, or at least there's loads more … [Read more...]
Let’s give children the respect they deserve!
Today is a rare(ish) ranty post from me following a comment I saw written somewhere by someone (note the vagueness here ;-)) about how little respect children have for their elders these days - a comment that I totally disagree with and take offence on behalf of my children. Respect both works and we all need to give children the respect they deserve!I agree that the person in question had a poor experience with a teenager bad attitude, aggression etc) but to say that all teenagers have a lack of respect for either their elders or their peers is ridiculous. So many people agreed that … [Read more...]
Free Benefit Dew The Hoola and more August Magazine Freebies….
Miss Frugal is absolutely loving our new monthly magazine freebies feature - she's just got new Benefit make-up for the third month running! This month she's managed to bag herself a decent sized Dew the Hoola, which is a liquid bronzer for her face, with the September edition of Elle!A photo posted by UK Thrifty Family Blogger (@frugalfamily) on Aug 6, 2016 at 5:41am PDTThis month does seem to be a bit quiet so far on the freebie front but what there is out there is pretty awesome. Here's all the August magazine freebies I've found so far....Instyle magazine have a … [Read more...]
Is a packed lunch cheaper? Here’s a breakdown of what it costs me every day to help you….
Every year at this time, I get lots of emails from you lovely readers asking my advice about whether I think packed lunches are cheaper and better value than school dinners. As you can imagine, this usually prompts me to write a post about packed lunches but last week, when I started to write my annual 'packed lunches are awesome' post I realised that the post I published last year covered everything I wanted to say. So rather than bore you all write it again, I thought I would simply re-share last year's post today and work on a different kind of awesome packed lunches post (keep an eye … [Read more...]
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