There's no getting away from the fact that money is pretty essential to us all so I'm not saying it isn't important because we all know that without money, life wouldn't be all that great.But there's lots of things that money can't help you achieve so I thought I'd share some of them with you today so next time you're feeling the pinch a little (or a lot) you might feel a little bit better thinking about the things that you do have rather than focusing on what you don't.Easier said that done, but worth a try! Money won't.... Buy people's respectFind friends that will stand by you … [Read more...]
Small things that make me smile {May 2016}….
This last month has been a great month with some brilliant stand out happy moments!We started the month with a cheeky long weekend to Cyprus for Miss Frugal and I which I know I may have mentioned a few times on here already( here and here mainly ) so I won't go into detail again but I will say that those five days were perfect. I can't remember ever feeling as relaxed and considering one of us was a hormonal teenager, you might be surprised to hear that there wasn't a single argument, mood or sulk over the whole time we were there!We've had some lovely days out together as a … [Read more...]
Five Fabulously Frugal Things I’ve done this week {20th May 2016}….
1) I made Slimming World Quiche for tea for Mr Frugal and I the other night and it was delicious! The recipe is here if you want to have a go at making your own but it's pretty flexible as far as ingredients go - what you can see here is the last of the gammon from Sunday dinner, a pepper left over from fajitas, some tomatoes that have seen better days and some boiled potatoes I saved from tea.I make it without the pastry crust as that's better for Slimming World (it also means it's much easier to make) but you could make it with if you prefer.2) We had a lovely wander around our … [Read more...]
From boring to beautiful – how we transformed a bedside cabinet on a budget….
A little while ago, Miss Frugal announced that she wanted a more grown up bedroom as she felt that hers was too babyish (despite the fact we'd only decorated it last year. Apparently she now hated the turquoise and pink theme she'd picked out not that long ago and she wanted to go for all white.The first problem (for her, not me) is that I'm planning to do Master Frugal's room next month as a surprise when he goes away on is school residential and I don't want her to have another big room makeover before his is done.Plus the fact that she only just had it done means that her room was … [Read more...]
Three ingredient easy biscuit recipe…
Master Frugal asked if we could do some baking this weekend so we decided to make some biscuits using our easy biscuit recipe that we've been using since the kids were first old enough to help make them.Making the biscuit mix is the easy part - the hard part is choosing which of our many cookie cutters we should use....The super easy biscuit recipe we use is one I first shared on here in 2009 just after I'd started blogging and it remains our favourite recipe because of how easy it is and how tasty the finished results always are. I'm sharing it again because (a) it's been a long … [Read more...]
Five quick things you need to do every day to keep your home looking tidy….
My problem is that, as much as I love having a tidy house, I'm not great at putting in the time to do the housework itself. I have managed to develop a bit of a system over the years to help me keep my house looking tidy with minimal effort though, it just takes a bit of delegation and a little routine.Here's the five things I think you should be doing each day if you want to have a tidy house with minimal effort.... Hoover or sweep your floor I always think the house looks tidier if the floor is clear so every day after school one of Master Frugal's daily job is to hoover downstairs … [Read more...]
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