A great way to earn to earn some extra money at this time of year is to have a de-clutter and go along to your local car boot sale to sell it all! We do this twice a year usually - once at the beginning of the good weather and once at the end of the Summer and seeing as we've just had our first car boot sale of the year, I thought I'd share a few of our car boot sale tips with you today.The boot sale we had this weekend was a huge success and we made over £160 which was brilliant as we were hoping to make enough to cover the costs of some parts that we needed to buy for our plumber who's … [Read more...]
The Big Chop – Before and After….
Last year, Master Frugal decided he wanted to grow his hair longer - mainly because he wanted to have one of those floppy fringes that Justin Bieber was sporting at the time.I was OK with this and no matter how tempting it was to march him to the hairdressers to get it all chopped, I resisted.But then it got longer and my resolve to let him choose his own hairstyle started to weaken.And the longer it got, the more I hated it but I let him keep growing it because he was determined he wanted to grow it.Until one afternoon last week, I did something bad - I bribed him to get his … [Read more...]
Mini Turkey and Red Onion Barbecue Pizzas….
My two love homemade pizza but for a quick lunch, I make them a cheats pizza using english muffins as the base.... Mini Muffin Turkey and Red Onion Barbecue Pizza 1 English Muffin per person Barbecue Sauce Cheese Red onion Turkey Salad to serveHalf each muffin and spread each half with barbecue sauce. Top with some cooked turkey breast. Add some sliced red onion. Sprinkle on some grated cheese and grill until the cheese is bubbling and starting to turn golden.Serve with a smile face salad for lunch and add some homemade wedges to make it into a meal for tea. From … [Read more...]
Family Fun Day….
What a lovely day we've had today.It started with a lie in for me while the kids sat quietly writing a 'Fun day out to do list' filled with all of the things they wanted to do today to make the most of the Bank Holiday....I didn't have the heart to tell them that I'd planned a big spring clean today (does anyone else hate how the sun shows EVERY single speck of dust?) so we got dressed and set off for our family fun day.We popped in to town first and crossed Toys R Us and chocolate fountain off our list, I cheated a bit to avoid too much chocolate eating by crossing off 'eat … [Read more...]
Explaining the bad stuff….
Both of my children are generally very happy, well adjusted little people but they're both very sensitive to what's going on around them in the world - possibly a bit too much so. Master Frugal, for example, cried his eyes out when we watched Comic Relief together as he was so upset at the conditions that some children his age have to live in. He is a bit of a worrier although he worries about other people more he worries about himself - a few weeks ago when we were in London, I was so proud when he spent his own money on some food and a cup of tea for a homeless man who we passed a few … [Read more...]
Thrifty Thursday – Lemons are your secret weapon….
Lemon's don't only make gorgeous cakes like this one or like these sticky muffins. They're also great to use for cleaning around the house - they're cheap (I often get them reduced at the end of the day in the supermarket), they smell nice, they're chemical free and they're effective. What more could you ask for....You've probably heard this one before but try cutting a lemon in half and squeezing it into a microwave proof bowl with a little warm water. Pop it in the microwave and cook for 3 or 4 minutes and you'll then be able to easily wipe the dirt off the inside of the … [Read more...]
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