There may be times when you just don't have enough money to last you until your next payday. It's bad enough if it's just a one off for whatever reason but if it's every month and you're struggling to pay your bills then you really need to get some help as soon as possible. Don't think that by ignoring the problem that it will go away or magically get better.The fact is that the longer you leave it, the harder it is to sort out and once you face the facts that you do need help everything else is a piece of cake.I wrote about the things you can do here last year but what's prompted my … [Read more...]
Do you ever feel misunderstood….
That's definitely not what I meant when I said 'Don't eat all the grapes'!That's not what I meant when I said 'get yourself a snack to go with your hot chocolate'!That's not what I meant when I said 'smile and pretend you're a Man Utd fan'!And that's certainly not what I meant when I said 'Wouldn't it be nice to get a new car'.... … [Read more...]
Pocket money – what do you do….
So, at the grand old age of ten, Miss Frugal gets £10 a month pocket money.She gets £10 a month because I once read somewhere that a good guideline for pocket money would be to give your child £1 for every year old they are but I have no idea how that compares to what other children her age get.I do know that it seems like a good amount - enough that she can start to learn how to budget her money and make decisions about what to do with her money. Does she waste it on little treats or buy one big thing? Does she spend it as soon as she gets it or save it until she sees … [Read more...]
Fancy a free day out this weekend….
I know it's only Tuesday and I usually hate wishing my life away but I'm really looking forward to this weekend. Mr Frugal is off work for the weekend (which is very rare), the weather is supposed to be nice (which is even rarer) so we're going to make the most of it and have a lovely family weekend together.I want to do something a bit different but at the same time, I don't want to spend very much at all.Which is why we'll be taking advantage of the National Trust Free weekend that's taking place this Saturday and Sunday. There's over 200 properties across the country so there's … [Read more...]
Step away from the computer – all of you….
Do you find it hard to limit your children's (and your own) screen time?By screen time, I mean time spent watching TV, playing on games consoles, the laptop, iPod touches, tablets - anything really that involves electronics in some way!I was struggling with this a month or so ago, mainly because I got a bit too laid back about it when we had the six week plague* at the start of the year. None of us had the energy to do very much at all so I took the easy way out and let them spend a bit too much time on their electronics.By the time we all started to feel better and actually … [Read more...]
Growing up too fast….
I walked past my daughter's bedroom this afternoon and saw this....She's sat on her bed with her teddies practicing how to put make up on by watching Youtube tutorials. Lately, she seems to be in such a hurry to grow up and I just want to slow it down a little bit but I'm not sure how to do that, if at all! Take the make up issue for example, she's not allowed to wear it outside the house (although she'd like to) but I do let her spend some of her pocket money on buying daft bits and bobs (have you seen the Superdrug clearance sections - she got loads of bargains there for between 10p … [Read more...]
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