My babies are growing up....Master Frugal asked me the other day if he could buy a girl at school a little gift for Valentines Day! I tried not to let the fact that the girl he wanted to buy the gift for is in fact not his girlfriend, but is his ex-girlfriend who dumped him for his best friend. His current girlfriend doesn't appear to feature in his present giving plans this year!So, he counted out his pennies and off we popped to buy a little teddy and a chocolate rose that he'd seen for £1 each. He proudly carried them home, made a little card to go with them and they're now … [Read more...]
#CookItBlogIt – Fluffy Pancakes….
Welcome to this week's #CookItBlogIt. It was great to see so many of you joining in with last week's link up over at Crazy with Twins and I hope even more people will be joining in this week. We've set up a Pinterest board to Pin all your fantastic recipes and this week I'm going to try and Stumble all of the entries so hopefully you'll get some new visitors too. I look forward to seeing what you're all cooking this week....I'm sharing a recipe today that I know I've shared with you before (probably every pancake day for the last couple of years I expect) but it's so good that I knew … [Read more...]
Our week in pictures (and a few words) – Week 6….
Well, I'm still hanging in there with taking a photo a day.... Just!I know I keep whinging that we're not very well but every time one of shakes this cold, another one gets it back! We're all shattered and poor Master Frugal has bags under his eyes the size of suitcases from lack of sleep from coughing, sniffing and general bleugh-ness. Miss Frugal's managed to pick up an ear infection as well which resulted in a trip to the out of hours doctors and anothe enforced weekend of staying in.Can you tell I'm really fed up with it all now?Even so, we've still had a nice … [Read more...]
The great bacon breakthrough….
I know I've said this before but Master Frugal really is the fussiest eater you can imagine. Thankfully, he's starting to get a little bit more daring now and tonight we had a major bacon breakthrough ;-)I was cooking bacon and scrambled egg on toast for the rest of us and he came into the kitchen with his nose in the air like one of those old fashioned Bisto kids. He decided he liked the smell of bacon and asked if he could try some!As you can see, he wasn't impressed and ended up only having one mouthful before deciding he liked it 'a teeny bit but not enough to eat more than … [Read more...]
My top five favourite reasons to use Youtube….
1. Answering random questions Both my children are very curious about the world around them and they ask a lot of quite random questions about some very random things that I often don't have a clue how to answer.For example, last night Master Frugal asked us how fast a cheetah could run. Rather than saying 'fast' as I was tempted to do seeing as I was watching Dancing on Ice, I typed 'how fast can a cheetah run in to the Youtube search box. There were lots of results but I had a quick look down the list and saw that one video was called 'San Diego Zoo Kids' and was a video about … [Read more...]
#CookitBlogit – Peanut Butter and Nutella Brownies….
I bet you didn't know it was World Nutella Day on Tuesday did you? Seeing as it is, I decided it would be rude not to blog one of my favourite Nutella recipes and link it up to #CookitBlogit, which is the weekly recipe linky that Emma from Crazy with Twins and myself started last week. You can link up your recipe by popping over to Emma's blog and while you're there, you can check out the delicious looking pie that she's made this week!I'm pretty sure that World Nutella Day isn't an official holiday so we won't get the day off work or anything but least it's an excuse to eat Nutella (if … [Read more...]
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