What do you use your mobile phone for?Apart from the obvious (phone, text and email) I use the camera on it all the time and I've captured a lot of special (and funny) moments that I wouldn't have done otherwise, I share my pictures using Instagram and I have lots of photo editing apps that I love. I also use Twitter and Facebook and have plenty of games downloaded to keep the kids amused when necessary.As well as the fun apps though, I use it to help me save money. There's lots of apps out there that can help you save in all kinds of ways but here's some of my … [Read more...]
Proud to be British….
In the last fortnight I've found myself watching sports I've never even watched before, let alone enjoyed. I've stood and screamed at the TV, willing Team GB to do well and I've sat on the floor and cried big happy tears when one of Team GB has done well.I was especially excited when we found out that we have our very own gold postbox about twenty minutes drive from our house after Kat Copeland won Gold in the Women's Double Scull race and we couldn't wait to go see it.The picture's not very good as we had to be quick due to the rain and the rather long queue of people wanting to see … [Read more...]
The one with One Direction….
Miss Frugal loves One Direction, particularly Harry (the cute one with the curly hair).So when I got an e mail from Persil inviting me to take her to the Leeds Party in the Park to see One Direction perform live along with lots of other acts (most of whom I had never heard of but Miss Frugal assured me they were 'famous'), I found it hard to say no.I really wanted to say no actually because Leeds is a good hour and a half journey on the train from my house and the fact that the expected crowd at the Party in the Park was around 70,000 made me more than a little nervous, especially as … [Read more...]
Saturday is Caption Day – The one where we get lost….
If you're looking for something to do with the kids that won't cost you the earth, you should see if any of your local parks or museums have an orienteering course you can do together. We found a free one in the HUGE grounds of a local museum and had a great couple of hours getting lost completing the course. Now, seeing as this is Saturday and Saturday is Caption Day, in exchange for that great money saving idea you have to give me a caption to go with my photo ;-) … [Read more...]
Get Organised – the fridge door edition….
If the front of your fridge looks anything like mine does at the moment then this could be the post for you ;-)It's covered in all sorts - artwork brought home from school at the end of the school term, party invitations, dental appointment cards, tickets and probably a fair amount of other stuff that I'll no doubt uncover when I remove that little lot.It's basically turned into some sort of magnetic dumping ground and the problem is that there's that much paper on the front of it now that I don't really look at the things on there anymore. Hence the missed birthday party a few weeks … [Read more...]
Just punch him, that’ll stop him….
As a parent, I want my children to grow up knowing that violence in any form is not a solution to anything.I try to teach them that if someone hurts them, it doesn't make it acceptable to hurt them back - they should be the better person and walk away. If that doesn't work, they should tell a grown up.I know that's much easier said than done when you're nine and seven and it doesn't always happen that way but it's the way I expect them to behave.So can you imagine how annoyed I was at the local soft play centre the other day when a little boy kept throwing things at Master Frugal. … [Read more...]
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