Did you know that it's National Family week between the 31st May and the 6th June? Apparently the average family spends only 49 minutes a day together which is such a shame, I love spending time with the kids, whether it's doing stuff at home, going out somewhere with them or even just snuggling up together on the settee. I'm really looking forward to half term at the end of this month, which cleverly coincides with National Family Week. I should hopefully have some time off work to spend with them so we can do loads of fun stuff together. We've had a chat about what the kids want to … [Read more...]
Insulted by a seven year old….
Miss Frugal - What's your name Mammy?Me - CassMiss Frugal (Pointing to her nose) - What's this?Me - NoseMiss Frugal (holding out her empty hands) - What's in my hands?Me - NothingMiss Frugal (laughing hysterically) - Cass nose nothing! … [Read more...]
Politically Correct Ginger Persons….
This sign made us laugh yesterday when we were out shopping ;-) I'm not sure what made me laugh most, the fact that Gingerbread Men now appear to be called Ginger Persons or the fact that we, a family of four Ginger Persons, were stood staring at the sign advertising us at the special offer price of 4 for £1.00. Inspired by this sign, we've just made our very own ginger person family.... You can make them even if you're not ginger lol. All you need to make them is: 350g plain flour 2 teaspoon ground ginger 1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda 100g butter or … [Read more...]
The Birds and the Bees….
I'm still a bit traumatised this morning from the question Miss Frugal asked me last night, she snuggled up on my knee on the settee, looked at me with her big blue eyes and said "Mammy, What's sexing?" I wasn't sure what to say to her, I always said I would be completely honest with her and answer any questions she has but I really wasn't expecting her to hit me with this so young. After a few seconds of gobsmackedness (is that even a word) I asked her what she thought it was and she was kind enough to demonstrate on me, her little demonstration consisted of a big kiss during … [Read more...]
Shake it Baby….
I HATE NOISY TOYS! It can't be just me who hates noisy toys.... No matter how cute or funny the toy may be, they usually start to get on my nerves about 30 seconds after they're turned on. Which is why the following activity was such a huge sacrifice on my part! With Miss Frugal despatched to Grandads for tea, me and Master Frugal decided to put empty yoghurt pots to good use and make a shakey thing....I didn't take any pictures as we were making it as Master Frugal and paint and scissors and glue don't mix well ;-)All we did was sellotape two muller light yoghurt pots … [Read more...]
My Man….
Wow, I've not taken part in The Gallery for the last couple of weeks because of my various Blogger to Wordpress traumas but I was determined to join in today. I've just popped over to Sticky Fingers to see what Tara has given us as a theme and there's 85 entries already - I don't think I'll make it round them all tonight will I? This weeks theme is Men.... I considered putting a photo of Mr Frugal on her but I try not to use his picture on here so I decided to share his favourite place in the world with you instead as it shows a lot about him - His Computer Corner! You'll … [Read more...]
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