There's a fantastic offer on at the moment for a free two month Family and Friends Railcard.To claim your free Railcard you simply need to complete the application form and your Family and Friends Railcard will be sent to you in the post.When your free 2 months are up, you can get 50% off a 12 month Railcard by ordering online between 5th July and 1st August, 2010 using the special code you will get with your Railcard. … [Read more...]
Anyone who knows me knows how much of a cookbook freak I am, I have loads but hardly ever use them for recipes - I just like to look at the pictures and dream.... I have had the occasional go though and one particular memory of chilli and chorizo scallops springs to mind - I won't go into it but it's safe to say that we haven't had scallops since ;-) I've also had more than one disaster with chocolate mousses and it's probably best if I don't even mention my previous risotto issues! Anyway, my various disasters haven't put me off buying cookbooks and when I went shopping yesterday I heard … [Read more...]
Dear Blogger….
Dear BloggerI've thought long and hard about this and I really don't know how to say this to you but.... I'm leaving you.We really can't be together anymore - It's just not working out for me and to be perfectly honest, I've found someone else, someone who I think I can have a long and satisfying relationship with.Please don't me too upset, there's plenty of other bloggers out there for you.It's not me, it's you.Yours excitedlyThe blogger about to move to Wordpress ****************************** Dear WordpressI've finally done it, after months of deliberating and … [Read more...]
Another Frugal Hospital Visit…. The Lost Post
What a nightmare few days we've had. Poor Miss Frugal's feet haven't got any better and I couldn't get her in to any of the chiropodists round here as they all said while she was on antibiotics they couldn't do anything!I kept her off school yesterday and as I was at work, my dad took her back to the doctors for me. As it was an emergency appointment they had to sit and wait for over an hour until she could be seen! When she finally got in it was a different doctor to the one I saw last week, he took one look at her feet and said she had to go straight to the paediatric ward at the … [Read more...]
I need cheering up today….
I've had a bit of a stressful week this week and to add to my stress I seem to have LOST the post where I told you all about my stress!!!!Mr Frugal has just sent me a video to cheer me up and it made smile so I thought I would share it on here, it's only about 20 seconds long but I guarantee it will make you smile.He also sent me this one which I've seen before but he knows it makes me laugh so he sent it again.So here you go, have a smile on me ;-) … [Read more...]
Dominoes…. Or Snap….
Our Easter holidays have been rudely interrupted by a verruca infection! I took Miss Frugal to the Dr's a while back as she had three verrucas that just weren't going away, he said they would go eventually and there was nothing else he could do as they don't believe in referring children to the podiatrist unless it is severe. He recommended we try and get rid of them using Bazuca so we've been applying that but they've gone nowhere!In the last week they have at least double in size and are now huge, they are so painful that she can't walk more than about two steps without … [Read more...]