I have been sent this fab award by Tracy over at The Daily Mom Diaries. Apparently I now need to tell you 10 honest things about myself!So here we go, I hope you still like me when you've finished reading ;-)I hate Blogger - I've already done this post but Blogger decided to delete it for me and now I can't remember what I put before.Thanks to all the talk about blog stats lately I am now obsessed. Who knew there were so many different ways to check your stats. I check them at least once a day now!I know all the words to every song from all three of the High School … [Read more...]
Learning to Learn….
It's so hard not to compare your children. Miss Frugal was so eager to learn and Master Frugal has, up until recently, shown no interest at all in learning to write. I'm not worried too much as he's only just turned five but I have been a bit stuck for ideas on what I could do to help him learn. All of a sudden it seems to have clicked a bit for him. He wants to learn and over the last couple of weeks he has gone from a unrecognisable scribble to being able to write his name reasonably clearly.I keep trying to get him to pick out letters from the words we see … [Read more...]
Reward or Bribery….
I love some of the things kids say, Miss Frugal has just seen an advert on TV for personal loans and asked if she could get one so that she could buy the new doll she is after.The doll she wants is a baby version of one she already has! Just when I thought we had every type of doll on the market - we have one who crawls and has tantrums, one who poos and cries, one who's ill and cries, one who swims, and her all time favourite - the one that does nothing and cost about a fiver.Anyway to cut a long story short, we've decided to introduce a reward … [Read more...]
Donkey Derby….
I love weekends!Today's been another lovely day, although it didn't exactly go according to plan! We were originally going to go have a paddle in the sea and an ice cream followed by a nice afternoon in the garden with a BBQ but the weather was a bit on the chilly side so we ended up having a quick walk on the beach followed by a visit to the boot sale and a movie afternoon at home.The kids had a ride on the donkeys at the beach, Miss Frugal loves anything horsey and has had a few horseriding lessons so she was over the moon to be having a ride on a donkey. She chose … [Read more...]
Another Meal Plan….
SaturdayLunch - Cereal and toast.Tea - Home made Wraps with cajun chicken for the grown ups and ham and cheese for the mini frugals. Frugal Fondue for pudding.SundayLunch - American Style Pancakes if I can be bothered to make them.Tea- Minced beef and onions, yorkshire puddings, roasties and veg - again....MondayLunch - SandwichesTea - Chicken dippers with oven chips and mini corn on the cobs for the kids. Oven baked risotto for us.TuesdayLunch - Home made quicheTea - Home made macaroni cheese - still one of the few meals that the whole family will all eat!WednesdayLunch - … [Read more...]
Teddy Bear’s Picnic….
Despite the fact that it's not exactly picnic weather outside, Miss Frugal has decided to have a teddy bears picnic in the back garden. She's out there with her favourite teddy bears and some chocolate spread sandwiches trying to look like she's not freezing cold. I think she's trying to catch the attention of the little girl who lives out the back of us but she's having no luck so far bless her.My sensible little boy has decided to have his picnic indoors as apparently his teddies wanted to watch Ben 10 they ate their sandwiches. … [Read more...]