I’ve been busy this morning making pretty things (AKA some lovely Motivational Quote Wall Art) and as a thank you to all you lovely readers, I thought I’d share what I’ve been up to with you so you can have some pretty too.
I got so many messages about how much you all liked the ‘Throw Kindness Like confetti’ quote wall art that I made for Miss Frugal’s wall that I thought I’d make some motivational quote wall art for you too. I’ll be honest though, I struggled to narrow the quotes down just four quotes as I do love a good motivational quote – I even have a private pinterest board filled with them so I have a place to go when I’m in need of a boost, which sounds sad I know!
I made these ones A4 size because that’s the easiest sized frame to pick up cheaply I think and I picked some of my favourite quotes but I’m probably going to do some more of these next month so if you have a nice short quote that you’d like doing then just leave a comment and I’ll do four more next month.
Just click on the image you want to download to go to the high resolution, better quality version of it!
The first one I did is one that I love because I’m always telling my two to be themselves rather than try to fit in with the crowd which is all they seem to want to do at this age….
Here’s the quote that inspired this post….
I love this one….
And finally, this one I’m printing out and framing on my wall definitely….
You can print these out and frame them in a cheap frame and they will look AMAZING, I guarantee it! I bought some cheap white frames from IKEA but in the past I’ve managed to get some nice plain ones from the pound shop or even the supermarket.
They’d also make a great homemade gift for someone.
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Amanda · 373 weeks ago