I might have mentioned in the past that Miss Frugal has a slight obsession with Lush which has resulted in rather a lot of her pocketmoney being spent in our local store in the past.
The problem for her is that she’s now trying to save up for our trip to New York next year so she’s decided no more Lush until we get back – which should in fact be quite easy considering that she has at least a year’s supply of bath bombs in her room somewhere!
Because she isn’t buying anything from Lush right now, she’s been scouring Pinterest for her favourite products to see if she can make her own versions and the first one she’s asked to try is her own DIY version of the Lush Oatifix face mask.
She wrote down a few recipes that claim to be the ‘exact one’ that Lush use but we didn’t have everything in and some of them called for all sorts of ingredients that would have made it cheaper to just go to Lush and buy their version. We had a bit of a tweak and managed to come up with a version that we’re happy with using things we had in the house and it was actually quite good.
DIY Lush Oatifix Facemask
I think this was my proudest parenting moment ever – she’s added a flower to the picture to ‘style’ it.
Here’s what you need:
1 small banana – if your bananas a big one then take a bite out of it and use the rest
A big handful of fine or medium oatmeal – ours was about 75p at the supermarket
1 tablespoon of olive oil or coconut oil
1 tablespoon of honey
(Optional) 1 capful vanilla extract
- Mash your banana in a small bowl.
- Add your honey, oil and vanilla and smush it all together.
- Stir in your oatmeal adding a little at at a time until you have a consistency that is runny enough to spread on your face but thick enough that it will stay put.
Use it as soon as you can after making it by just spreading it on your face and leaving it there for anywhere between 5 and 15 minutes.
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I have this on my list of things to try – I am so sensitive to anything, that I guess if it is good enough to put on the inside of me then it is OK for the outside!
Nice to know just whats in your beauty products! Making your own you can be sure you know!
What a good idea to make your own! 🙂
I would love to make my own masks. I always find the store ones leave me a little blotchy so would love to try a handmade one 🙂
I have made face masks / scrubs like this in the past but not for a while. think they're fab
Wow! This sounds good enough to eat x