1) I'm so excited about this one - after living in our house for six years we are finally getting the bathroom flooring replaced! It's needed doing for such a long time but I thought it would be much more expensive than it actually can be done for so we kept putting it off. You might have read my September goals post where I decided that one of my goals was to at least look into all of the things I wanted doing and this was the first thing. We popped along to a local store with the measurements of our three bathrooms (sounds way posher than it is - one's a teeny space downstairs and ones an … [Read more...]
How to make an amazing kids travel journal….
After our amazing holiday to Cyprus earlier this year, we've decided to make our little mother and daughter holiday into an annual event which means we have lots more trips together to look forward to. We've also decided that we want to travel more as a family so after a good few years of holidaying in the UK, we're going to start to explore the world a little more.To record all of our travels, and to surprise Miss Frugal with the location of next year's mother and daughter trip, I decided to make her a bit of a travel journal. It's looking a bit empty at the moment but I hope that over … [Read more...]
Ten BRILLIANT ways to earn cashback….
I know I'm always going on about why you should use cashback sites to earn cashback but it's genuinely one of the easiest ways to boost your budget with very little effort! It takes no time at all and you earn money on things you were planning to buy anyway - it really is money for nothing in my opinion.I shared with you a bit of a cashback FAQ a little while ago but today I thought I'd share with you ten of the best cashback deals that I could find on one of the two cashback websites that I use, TopCashBack.You can sign up to TopCashBack using my link which means I get a few pounds … [Read more...]
Overnight Oats – what’s all the fuss is about?
Overnight Oats is my new favourite breakfast! It's filling, tasty and thanks to the fact that you make it the night before, it's also super quick on a morning when I'm rushing about. I can even pop it into my bag and eat it at work if I'm running late (which I often am). You can even make it Slimming World friendly.Overnight oats are something that I've heard about so many times both from fellow mums who want an easy breakfast option and from friends on Slimming World who swear by them for an easy but filling breakfast.Until a couple of week's ago, I'd never tried them because … [Read more...]
Five Fabulously Frugal Things I’ve done this week {9th September 2016}….
I'm really excited about this week's 5 frugal things post because I'm trying something a little bit different - I'm turning it into a weekly linky with the lovely Emma and Becky. We're all going to share our five frugal things each Friday the way I always have done but we're also going to ask you to link up your frugal and thrifty posts too.I'll share a bit more of that at the end of the post if you're interested in joining in but for now, let's get back to business with the five fabulously frugal things I've done this week....1) I got some great reduced fruit and veg at the … [Read more...]
Intentional Spending – Learn to Truly Choose Happiness….
Have you heard of Intentional Spending before?Until recently, I’d never actually heard the phrase intentional spending but even without hearing it, it’s been something I’ve done ever since we started on our frugal journey.If you don't know what intentional spending is then I'll give you a quick heads up - it basically means to spend money on the things that make you happy and leave you feeling fulfilled. You can cut down on one area of spending to give you more money to spend in another area of your life.Like many of us, I try to live frugally to save money but my reason for … [Read more...]
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