I've been a but absent this week as we've all had a cold (again!) which has led to a tired and slightly grumpy family. We've not done too bad though.... Five frugal things I've done this week: 1. If you're a regular here then you might have seen the seasonal bucket lists that I write every few months - a regular entry on there has been to clean out my garage but as it was so full of junk, we knew it was going to be a nightmare to clear it out. We found out that the council will collect junk quite cheaply - 6 items for a £18 but when we looked at what we had we realised that the cost was … [Read more...]
Five Frugal things I’ve done this week to save money {20th Febuary 2015}….
Half term is not usually one of the frugal-est (is that a word) weeks of the year but I don't think we've done too badly this week. Five frugal things I've done this week: 1. Miss Frugal isn't growing that much so she hasn't grown out of many clothes but her taste has changed so much since she started secondary school so we had a sort through of her wardrobe this week. Because she's quite small, she's still got clothes that we bought for her in Year 5 so you can imagine that her taste has changed massively now that she's as a much more sophisticated (;-)) Year 7 girl. We photographed what … [Read more...]
#Thrifty Thursday – How to organise your shoes….
Miss Frugal has a lot of shoes!It's not that she has a shoe obsession or anything but as I mentioned in my post about her school shoes the other week, her feet haven't grown very much at all in the last year or so which means that she's not growing out of shoes. This little lot is what she's accumulated over the last year or so (both pairs of Converse were part of a review on here).She's not the tidiest person in the world so we needed to try and get a system in place that was easy and quick for her to use to store her shoes so we went for the photos on a box approach.We … [Read more...]
Five Frugal things I’ve done this week to save money {13th Febuary 2015}….
Five frugal things I've done this week: 1. This isn't a massively frugal thing but we've been shopping for new fridge freezers this week and despite falling in love with a big American Style one, I chose a smaller and much cheaper one that has more freezer space than we have in our current one. I took a photo of the model number and came home to see if I could get it cheaper. I managed to get it £25 cheaper as I found a discount code on the 02 Priority Moments app so I'm really pleased I didn't buy it there and then!2. I've discovered a free car park that I can park in when I pop into … [Read more...]
Five Frugal things I’ve done this week to save money {6th Febuary 2015}….
I meant to start doing a 'Five Frugal things....' post every week but last week wasn't great for us as we were hit with a tummy bug that wiped us out but we're on the mend now so here I am again to share with you all five frugal things that I've done this week. Five frugal things I've done this week: 1. This is something I do every week but only realised what a habit it was when Master Frugal told me that he knew it was Sunday because the washing machine was on. Basically, I try to only wash on a Sunday and I do one white wash, one dark load and one colour load. By waiting until I have a … [Read more...]
#ThriftyThursday – Do you take notice of the best before and use by dates?
The amount of times I've seen questions in various online forums recently about whether or not something is safe to eat has really got me thinking lately about Best Before and Use By dates.It drives me mad when someone answers 'sniff it and see' to a question about whether out of date chicken is OK to eat because I would never serve food that's past it's use by date to anyone. I know I'm probably in the minority and most people would be OK with it as long as it looks and smells OK but I just couldn't!I still buy food in the reduced section at the supermarket though, I just freeze … [Read more...]
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