Last week I was considering hiring a skip for the day (at a cost of £90) so that I could clear out some of the junk from my garage and one of my friends pointed out that I didn't need to pay for a skip when I could arrange a collection from the council for a fraction of the price. I didn't even know the council offered that as a service let alone that they would come along and take my rubbish for just £15.00!I saved a fortune because someone pointed out something they thought was obvious.So, I started thinking about how many other little tips there were that may seem obvious for … [Read more...]
Thrifty Thursday – Be prepared with a present bag….
Anyone with children will know that it's inevitable that they'll be invited to birthday parties of their school friends throughout they year - we had three in one weekend last year! I hate giving children money in a card for a present, even though that's clearly the easiest option but at the same time, to buy a nice little present for them isn't always cheap.So, a few years ago I started to stockpile presents and gifts that I saw on offer throughout the year, especially in the sales at the start of the year. I keep mine in one of those Orla Kiely Bags from Tesco which looks very pretty on … [Read more...]
Five things I’ve done this week to save money….
Saving money isn't just about the big savings you make, it's about the little things you do each and every day that save you money. In fact, my Nana used to have a saying which I'm sure lots of you will have heard - "Look after the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves!"It's so true isn't it?So here's my five small things that I've done this week to save some money:1. Rather than go to the shop for something for my work packed lunch when we ran out of bread (don't ask) I made up a packet of cous cous that's been at the back of my cupboard for as long as I … [Read more...]
10 different uses for Vinegar….
I'm pretty sure that a lot of you will already know that vinegar isn't just for sprinkling on your chips, but did you know just how much you can do with it?Vinegar has been used for thousands of years and has so many different uses around the house that it's impossible to cover them all in just one post so I'm not even going to try although I am going to tell you what I think the top ten uses for vinegar are. It's chemical free and because of it's acidity it's great for getting rid of germs and bacteria.Clean your microwave by mixing 1/2 cup full of white vinegar with 1/2 cup water … [Read more...]
Thrifty Thursday – Five frugal things I’ve done this week….
It's been a bit of a busy week here this week but I've still had time to save some money - I even managed to make a bit of extra money as well....I'm not sure if it's a new thing or not but my latest energy bill has a section on that tells me what I would be paying on each of my suppliers tariffs. I noticed it when I got my bill earlier in the week as it said that there was a new online tariff that would save me some money so I rang them and changed over. I do review my energy suppliers every six months or so to make sure I'm on a good deal but I was really pleased that my … [Read more...]
Thrifty Thursday – What does it all mean….
If I'm honest, I don't really like the words 'frugal' or 'thrifty' because I think some people (not all) hear those words and make a bit of an instant judgement that someone who's frugal is a tight penny pincher who hates spending money, doesn't have nice things or do fun stuff.Clearly I know that's not the case and I hope you do too, but there's lots of people who would disagree.So, what do the words actually mean?Reading those definitions it looks to me like being thrifty is all about making the most of what you've got and being frugal is about saving money where you can - … [Read more...]