A great way to earn to earn some extra money at this time of year is to have a de-clutter and go along to your local car boot sale to sell it all! We do this twice a year usually - once at the beginning of the good weather and once at the end of the Summer and seeing as we've just had our first car boot sale of the year, I thought I'd share a few of our car boot sale tips with you today.The boot sale we had this weekend was a huge success and we made over £160 which was brilliant as we were hoping to make enough to cover the costs of some parts that we needed to buy for our plumber who's … [Read more...]
Thrifty Thursday – Lemons are your secret weapon….
Lemon's don't only make gorgeous cakes like this one or like these sticky muffins. They're also great to use for cleaning around the house - they're cheap (I often get them reduced at the end of the day in the supermarket), they smell nice, they're chemical free and they're effective. What more could you ask for....You've probably heard this one before but try cutting a lemon in half and squeezing it into a microwave proof bowl with a little warm water. Pop it in the microwave and cook for 3 or 4 minutes and you'll then be able to easily wipe the dirt off the inside of the … [Read more...]
Why it’s time to DITCH your drier….
Before we moved to the house we live in now, we used to have a tumble drier and if I'm honest, we probably used it at least four times a week. It was always just so easy to do a quick mid-week wash and pop the clothes in the tumble drier to dry them ready for the next day and with two small children, my tumble drier was probably my most used appliance.Apart from the obvious costs of using the tumble drier itself, there was also the cost of the extra (usually half full or less) washes that I did through the week because I knew that I could dry the clothes quickly in the tumble … [Read more...]
The Swagbucks Thrifty Blogger Challenge….
Up until a few weeks ago, I'd never heard of Swagbucks but now that I've had the chance to have a good look around the site, I'm a fan. And I think you will be too.Basically, Swagbucks is a site where you earn points (swagbucks) for doing the things you usually do online - like searching the internet, playing games, watching videos and shopping. You can also earn points by referring people, completing surveys and polls and taking advantage of some of the offers available on there.The Swagbucks you earn add up and can be redeemed for vouchers and gift cards for many major retailers … [Read more...]
The Thrifty Families Carnival….
First of all, I'm sorry for the delay in publishing the carnival this month - we've had a bit of a busy back to school week and I'm still playing catch up from our holidays last week.I have some fantastic posts for you today - you're practically guaranteed to learn something new ;-)First up we have the lovely Becky with a brilliant Vlog about teaching her children gratitude and an equally fantastic podcast about rainy days and poverty.Next up is a post from the preloved blog called Suzy's second hand safari. I'd love to do something like this but I don't think I could stick to it … [Read more...]