Last year I made a little DIY paper basket after dissecting one that Master Frugal made at school to bring his homemade peppermint creams home in. It was such a cute little basket but I had to wait until after Christmas to pull it apart in case I couldn't put it back together again. ;-)It's OK though, I managed to take it apart, figure out how to make my own version and put his back together before he even looked up from his new Xbox game. The DIY paper baskets are great for homemade Christmas treats so I thought I'd have a go at showing you how to make them today.... How to make a DIY … [Read more...]
Encouraging Gratitude in Children at Christmas without cutting back on the presents….
Christmas is often a difficult subject for me to write about from a 'frugal' perspective because, as much as I shop around for the best deals and set myself a budget depending on how much I've saved throughout the year, I don't think it's a time when I'm particularly good at being frugal.When I started writing this blog, the idea was that as a family we'd try and live a more frugal lifestyle and I think we've done a pretty good job for the most part. We're much more financially aware than we were back then and we do things that we know we should be doing to ensure that we save money where … [Read more...]
Five Fabulously Frugal Things I’ve done this week {9th December 2016}….
1) This is a sad day for me! I went to the shop last night, got all excited when I saw the Radio Times was out and then saw the price of it so put it back on the shelf! Since when did the Radio Times cost £4.50 for the Christmas edition!!!We don't watch TV much at all so it's a total waste of money for us but I would have bought it if it had been a bit cheaper as we like to look through it and highlight what we want to watch. We can just save a fiver though and look at the TV Guide we get with our TV package.2) While I've been ill convenience foods have been a bit of a … [Read more...]
How to have an amazing Christmas, even when Santa’s skint….
Christmas can be a difficult time when you're struggling to make ends meet. And it's even harder if your children have a wishlist as long as their arm that they just keep adding to every time they watch TV and another advert pops up for something they desperately need. ;-)How do you tell the little ones that they won't be getting everything on their list when they think that Santa is in charge of bringing the presents. How do you tell them that you can't afford what they want, even when they're non-believers and you can already anticipate the snapchats on Christmas morning of their … [Read more...]
Five Fabulously Frugal Things I’ve done this week {2nd December 2016}….
1) I've had soup for lunch every day this week and thanks to some supermarket bargains, it's cost me less than a pound for the whole week's worth of lunches. I bought a pack of veg soup mix reduced from £1.25 to 45p on Monday morning which did Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday for me and on Wednesday night I bought some reduced sweet potatoes which I popped in the soup maker with some butternut squash from the freezer and voila, Thursday and Friday's lunches sorted. I don't get bored of soup as it's delicious in the soup maker and it's so simple to make with hardly any preparation or cleaning … [Read more...]
What to do when you can’t afford to heat your home….
Have you ever woken up to a cold house and realised that your boiler's on the blink and had to make do with very little other than wearing extra layers, snuggling under blankets and drinking cups of tea until it's fixed?We did last Christmas when we woke up to no heating on Christmas morning and I can tell you, in case you've never been through it that it's not a pleasant experience at all. We were without heat for just a few days and although it was awful, it was almost an adventure for the kids as we found new ways to keep warm and laughed about how we were having a white Christmas … [Read more...]
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