I genuinely can't believe that it's October already!September is usually a month where I usually feel a bit all over the place as we settle into a routine after the Summer Holidays and this year was no different other than the fact that the older the kids seem to get, the more after school activities they seem to be doing. I love the activities they're doing at the moment and I really feel like they are getting something out of them.But.... It makes life pretty difficult as far as sitting down and eating together as a family most nights seeing as we have nights where activities cross … [Read more...]
Thrifty Thursday – A good store cupboard can save you money….
I *try* to plan our meals each week but it's not always easy planning a week's worth of meals in advance and as much as I'd like to tell you that I stick to it rigidly every day, I can''t! There are regular last minute changes for lots of very boring reasons - no time to cook what was planned, forgot to put everything in the slow cooker on the morning, a hungry person ate what I was planning to cook when I wasn't looking. Sometimes, it's simply because we just don't fancy what we had planned!But I always make sure that I don't mess with my plan to the point where I need to go to the shop … [Read more...]
Car Tax – the new, improved way to pay….
This week's #SaveMoneyMonday is all about car tax and the new changes that will affect anyone who needs to tax a car from the 1st October! Not a very exciting subject but still....So, for those of you who don't already know, from the 1st October this year there are big changes to the way that we tax our car - the big one being that we no longer need to display a car tax disc in our cars. It's no longer necessary so when you buy car tax in future, you won't get a tax disc and if you still have time to run on your current tax disc after the 1st October, you can destroy your existing … [Read more...]
My Autumn Bucket list….
I read a lovely post yesterday written by Michelle over at Mummy From the Heart and it got me thinking a little bit.One of the reasons I like the end of the school holidays is because it allows me to get some routine back into our lives and to take the time to do some of the things that I've been planning to do for ages but haven't got around to over the last few months as we've been too busy enjoying the Summer.Michelle's written herself an Autumn Bucket list to help her focus on what she wants to achieve in the next few months and I thought hers was so lovely that I wanted to do the … [Read more...]
Beating the back to school blues….
After a Summer filled with adventures and family fun I hate the thought that it's over already although as I do every September, I welcome the return of some sort of routine in our lives.I don't know about your family but last year seemed as though the start of September brought with it a change in the kids, they went from being filled with energy and wanting to be outside as much as possible to just wanting to stay in and watch TV or play on the XBox when they got home from school. It wasn't just them though, a similar thing happened to me as well and looking back, I think I felt as … [Read more...]
How to create an Awesome homework space (on a budget)….
Post updated: 16/07/15I wrote this post last year originally but I wanted to share it again today for a few reasons.Firstly, we've made a homework space for Master Frugal too that I wanted to update my post to include that and secondly because after a year of secondary school with Miss Frugal, I wanted to reiterate just how important it is that children have a space to do their homework and this seemed like as good a place as any to do that!So, here we go - How to create an Awesome homework space (on a budget).... (again)The older children get, the more homework they'll … [Read more...]
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