When Miss Frugal started 'big' school she didn't want to take a packed lunch as most of her friends were going to be on school dinners and the people on packed lunches have to sit on separate tables (what's that all about?) so we gave in and paid the £1.85 a day for her to have school dinners.She came home every night and told us excitedly what she'd had and every night I'd tell her that some grated carrots and cheese with a wrap followed by a small cookie was not enough for dinner but the next day she'd have exactly the same thing again! So by the time Master Frugal (the fussiest eater … [Read more...]
A Sad Day and a New Challenge….
First of all, if you've popped over from Netmums or Tesco - Welcome. I really hope you stick around. You can subscribe if you want to by clicking on the logo over there in the sidebar. Go on, you know you want to ;-) >>Now, on to the sad part of the post - Today's the day I've finally got rid of my gorgeous Smeg Fridge. We've had loads of problemssince we bought it form someone I know from work, the seal went on the door, the freezer compartment door snapped and it started leaking every few weeks so when it leaked again last night we decided to put it in the garage and bring … [Read more...]
How to Save Money….
In our quest to try and live a more frugal lifestyle (note the word try ;-)) we regularly review our monthly budget and try to shave off a few pounds here and there. In the last year or so, we've actually saved quite a bit so I thought I'd share our top tips with you all. I blogged about using cashback companies last year here and I can't recommend them highly enough. Basically, if you register with a company like Quidco you can earn cashback on your internet shopping. I always review my home and car insurance when they're due for renewal along with my telephone and internet deals … [Read more...]
How to Spend a Bank Holiday Monday….
Despite having the last week off work, as of this morning I hadn't done the majority of things on my week off 'to do list' (Yes, I really did write one ;-)) As I'm back at work tomorrow, that left me today to do it all.... Top of my list was to sort out more storage for Master Frugal's room as he has the smallest room in the house with enough toys and books in there to fill five rooms. Ages ago I'd bought some colourful storage crates and some shelves to put them on but I hadn't got around to building them as I couldn't face the mammoth task of sorting the toys out when they were built and … [Read more...]
Frugal Flylady….
Does anyone else feel like the year's passing them by? It only seems like yesterday we were unwrapping Christmas presents and eating turkey and now it's Spring with Easter just round the corner!As much as I don't like the fact that the year is going so fact, I do love that it's Spring though and not because of the cute lambs or the fact that flowers are starting to bloom or even that you can hear the birds singing again outside - it's actually because I love a good Spring Clean (I know, how sad is that?)I'm going to try out the Flylady system for my Spring Clean this year and … [Read more...]
Happy New Year….
So it's Goodbye 2010 and Hello 2011. We've had lots of fun together this year and I was considering doing a round up of the year for you but then I decided it would be slightly less boring for you if I just shared some of my favourite photo's from the year with you, so here you go....The year seems to have gone really fast and I must admit that I'm ending the year in a much happier place than when it started - I just feel more positive about everything and I'm looking forward to next year. I even have my resolutions planned out and duly written up in my brand new notbook.I love the … [Read more...]