You know how I always say that the most important part of meal planning is the few minutes that you spend before you go shopping working out what you have in, what you'll be eating the next week and writing a shopping list?Well, this week I didn't do any of that before I went shopping!In my defence, I always to my shopping on a Friday evening because (a) that's the only time that I'm free to go without the kids over the weekend and (b) my cupboards are looking a bit like mother Hubbards by then. I had a really busy afternoon on Friday so I didn't get chance to even boil the kettle let … [Read more...]
What we’re eating this week {23rd February 2015}….
Am I the only person who finds school holidays a nightmare as far as meal planning goes?Things never seem to go according to plan when the kids are off school - there's last minute sleepovers, days out that interfere with tea time, extra friends for tea, kids not wanting to come home at tea time and all sorts of other things sent to try my meal planning skills (and budget)!All good stuff and I wouldn't want to change the way we spend our school holidays in any way but it definitely makes it harder to stick to meal planning (well it does for me anyway).But that was last week! … [Read more...]
Slow cooker jacket potatoes….
OK, I have been told lots of times that you can cook jacket potatoes in the slow cooker but for some unknown reason, until recently I'd never actually tried making them in there.Then a while ago we were having people round for drinks and I decided to make a chilli in the slow cooker but thought it would be nice to serve it with baked potatoes instead of rice (less chance of food dropping off the fork ;-)).As I had enough to think about, I decided to try making the jacket potatoes in the slow cooker rather than the oven so I made each one a little wrapping out of foil, pricked it with a … [Read more...]
Hot dog pizza toast….
I don't know about you but I seem to find myself being added to numerous Facebook groups recently and looking down the list of things I'd been added to the other day, I found a group that I thought I actually might like so instead of deleting it, I clicked on the link to view the group.I'm not going to name the group but the first post I read was a lady who had mentioned that she was feeding her children hot dogs for lunch. Now I know as much as the next person that there is very little nutritional value to a hot dog but the comments that this lady was getting from some people were … [Read more...]
Tasty Spicy Chickpea and Mushroom Stew {Vegetarian} {Free on Slimming World}….
In my mind, there's two different types of cooking.There's the cooking you have to do to feed your family and then there's the cooking you do for fun, usually for me that's because I have an ingredient or an idea I want to try.Just lately, we've had so much going on that I haven't had time for the fun side of cooking. In fact, I've probably only just been managing to keep up with the feeding my family type of cooking if I'm honest! But tonight, I went in the fridge for something and found some mushrooms that needed using up so I decided to have a play.The resulting meal was … [Read more...]
What we’re eating this week {9th February 2015}….
I usually post my weekly meal plan over on Meal Planning Made Easy but today I thought I'd bore you all share it over here with you all. We didn't stick to our plan very well at all last week but I'm not overly bothered as we were all ill and we didn't break the budget because we were all about dippy egg and soldiers or soup - the most adventurous we got was egg fried rice I think!We're all feeling lots better now but still a bit washed out and tired so this week, it's comfort food all the way for us.... MondayTonight we're having homemade corned beef and potato pie - I made some … [Read more...]
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