I genuinely can't believe that it's October already!September is usually a month where I usually feel a bit all over the place as we settle into a routine after the Summer Holidays and this year was no different other than the fact that the older the kids seem to get, the more after school activities they seem to be doing. I love the activities they're doing at the moment and I really feel like they are getting something out of them.But.... It makes life pretty difficult as far as sitting down and eating together as a family most nights seeing as we have nights where activities cross … [Read more...]
Thrifty Thursday – A good store cupboard can save you money….
I *try* to plan our meals each week but it's not always easy planning a week's worth of meals in advance and as much as I'd like to tell you that I stick to it rigidly every day, I can''t! There are regular last minute changes for lots of very boring reasons - no time to cook what was planned, forgot to put everything in the slow cooker on the morning, a hungry person ate what I was planning to cook when I wasn't looking. Sometimes, it's simply because we just don't fancy what we had planned!But I always make sure that I don't mess with my plan to the point where I need to go to the shop … [Read more...]
#ThriftyThursday – My favourite meal planning templates from around the internet….
It's no secret that I'm a fan of meal planning - I even have a blog dedicated to all things meal planning related!I used to write my meal plans down in a notebook but I found it's actually easier to stick to if I have the week's meal plan on display where everyone can see it so today, I thought I'd share with you my favourite ways to display our weekly meal plan.I have a menu planner that I have up on my wall in the kitchen that we made a few years ago but it's looking a bit past it's best now so I may remake it using a different background paper - any wrapping paper is great for this … [Read more...]
Thrifty Thursday – 15 Ways to save money in the kitchen….
It's OK, I'm not going to go on about meal planning again although that's clearly my first way to save money in the kitchen - if you don't already meal plan, you should. If you do, you'll be nodding your head right now agreeing that this is by far the easiest way to save money in the kitchen. But even aside from meal planning, the kitchen is one area where you can save money easily without really changing much at all. Here's my favourite kitchen moneysaving tips.... Cook and serve the right portion sizes - Pasta and rice are the main foods that I regularly over estimate the amount I need to … [Read more...]
This week’s meal plan (with a difference)….
A little while ago I started to share my meal plans over on my meal planning blog - Meal Planning Made Easy but it felt a bit boring just writing our my meal plan on a Monday as a list so last week I decided I was going to do things a different way. So for the last week or so, I've been posting a picture of our tea along with a recipe or some pointers on how to make your own version!I'm going to keep doing that this week but I wanted to post on here to tell you about it in advance because this week's meals have a bit of a theme going on - they're all going to be made using the 'by … [Read more...]
Cooking with Kids – Pizza Calzones….
We love home made pizza but last week we decided to make a variation of this by making mini pizza calzones together.It was part of an extra effort to get Master Frugal eating new things as he's seemed quite receptive to new food lately and after years of being a fussy eater, he's starting to get a bit braver. I though calzones would be a good way to help encourage him as he can't see what he's eating so he doesn't get chance to fuss over it if you know what I mean.We each made a portion of out own homemade pizza dough which is basically 125g bread flour, 7g yeast packet and 75ml … [Read more...]
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