This is a bit of a back to front meal plan because I'm going to tell you what we ate last week instead of what we'll be eating this week.....Seeing as last week was National Vegetarian Week we decided to have a (mostly) veggie week which was great for me because it gave me a bit of an excuse to cook a few different things as I'm a bit stuck in a rut with our meals at the moment. I've got back into the habit of cooking the same old meals which is not only boring but it also makes me feel a bit bleugh about cooking so I'm more tempted to not stick to the week's plan.The veggie meals … [Read more...]
Eight stealth money saving tips….
Stealth money saving is what I call the little things that I do to save money that my family don't know about.For example, Mr Frugal would never, ever eat Quorn. For no particular reason - just because he doesn't like the thought of it.But.... he actually eats Quorn mince at least once a week as I add some to anything that I use minced beef in to pad it out a little bit because Quorn mince is cheaper than minced beef and you really can't tell that you're eating it when you add it to something like I do.So I've been thinking about what other secret money saving I do and … [Read more...]
Magpie Monday – It’s been a while….
It's been a while since I've joined in with Magpie Monday but it's car boot sale season again and I got some great bargains yesterday so I thought I'd share them with you.The first of the bargains were for Miss Frugal who's fast becoming a little lady. She has very strong ideas on what she will and won't wear most of the 'won't wear' category consists of things that everyone else likes to wear - jeans, t-shirts and just about anything else that you'll find her classmates wearing! She's quite girly and loves dresses and car boot sales are a great way to get her new clothes for next to … [Read more...]
Making the most of store loyalty cards….
Retailers are getting wise to the fact that we, as their customers, like to be rewarded for our loyalty and more and more of them are starting their own loyalty schemes. At one point my purse was so full of these loyalty cards that I ended up having a bit of a sort out and the least used ones were stashed in a drawer in the kitchen but I've decided I'm going to dig them out and maybe have a little purse in my bag for them so I get as many rewards as possible.So what rewards can I get with the cards I have....Tesco Clubcard I'm pretty sure most of you know the benefits of a Tesco club … [Read more...]
Make some extra money – 15 top car boot sale tips….
A great way to earn to earn some extra money at this time of year is to have a de-clutter and go along to your local car boot sale to sell it all! We do this twice a year usually - once at the beginning of the good weather and once at the end of the Summer and seeing as we've just had our first car boot sale of the year, I thought I'd share a few of our car boot sale tips with you today.The boot sale we had this weekend was a huge success and we made over £160 which was brilliant as we were hoping to make enough to cover the costs of some parts that we needed to buy for our plumber who's … [Read more...]
Thrifty Thursday – Lemons are your secret weapon….
Lemon's don't only make gorgeous cakes like this one or like these sticky muffins. They're also great to use for cleaning around the house - they're cheap (I often get them reduced at the end of the day in the supermarket), they smell nice, they're chemical free and they're effective. What more could you ask for....You've probably heard this one before but try cutting a lemon in half and squeezing it into a microwave proof bowl with a little warm water. Pop it in the microwave and cook for 3 or 4 minutes and you'll then be able to easily wipe the dirt off the inside of the … [Read more...]
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