I have a bit of a thing (obsession) about making sure we're all warm.I think that's because my last house was fitted with old fashioned storage heaters which were useful for heating the house but cost us an absolute fortune anyway. The house was so cold and draughty in the Winter and I used to feel awful putting the children to be in cold bedrooms. It kept me awake at night sometimes and I'd sneak in to see them in the middle of the night and although they'd usually be snug in their beds cuddled up under their blankets, sometimes their little noses would be cold which made me feel so … [Read more...]
Get Organised – How to meal plan….
Have you ever wondered how to meal plan successfully? If you have and you want to save your family money then read on....The half an hour a week that I spend planning our meals and shopping list saves us more money than anything else we do so it's well worth the short amount of time it takes to do so I thought I'd make my first post of 2013 all about meal planning and how we do it in our house.I have a meal planning notebook (there's a surprise) and every Saturday, I write down a list of everything we have in the fridge, the freezer and the cupboards. I then sit down and write a … [Read more...]
Frugal alternatives to Christmas cards….
What sort of person are you when it comes to Christmas cards? Do you...a) love writing out Christmas cards.b) make your own Christmas cards and take great pleasure in giving them out to your nearest and dearest.c) only give Christmas because you feel like it's expected but hate having to sit down and write them out.d) just not bother with them at all.I'm a definite C with my Christmas cards although I'm very jealous of all you A, B and D's ;-)Over the last few years though, I've found a few ways to reduce the number of cards I write our by lots (without making me look … [Read more...]
Do you always have some month left over at the end of the money….
I love that saying - do you always have some month left over at the end of the money? I first saw it on a fridge magnet at a service station we stopped at once and from then on it's been my favourite saying.It doesn't matter how much money your monthly budget says you should have left over at the end of every month if the actual amount left in your bank account doesn't come anywhere close. When we first started working out what our monthly budget was, we were pleasantly surprised to see that we had a healthy amount of money left over each month after our bill payments had been come out and … [Read more...]
Get Organised – the free printable budget planner edition….
At the start of last month I shared with you all, how I work out our monthly budget and I was pleased to get lots of emails from you saying how helpful you'd found it and how much it had helped.One thing that did come across in the emails was that some people would prefer to have a form that they can print out and use to fill in their income and monthly costs to make it a bit easier. You could do a search online for 'free downloadable budget planner' but there are so many options available, many of which are affiliated with various debt management companies or other associations. Also … [Read more...]
Family Friendly Frugal Meals – Slow cooked brisket….
After the chaos of last week, we have a nice boring week ahead of us thank goodness.We're all feeling a bit bleugh at the minute to be honest. Mr Frugal is awaiting an MRI scan for his vertigo as the specialist says his symptoms are much worse than they would expect and he's also due to go for an x-ray and an ultrasound as the Dr thinks he also has kidney stones. As well as that, I have a bad back from where I slipped down the stairs yesterday and poor Miss Frugal has been suffering a little lately with her abdominal migraines.We should just paint a red cross over the door and … [Read more...]
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