After this weekend's freakish (but very welcome) mini heatwave, there's a definite chill in the air tonight. So much so, that I've just had the heating on for an hour to warm the house up which is only the second time I've needed it on since before the Summer. Don't get me wrong, I'm not the sort of person who waits until there's icicles on the end of our noses before I turn the heating on but I do try to balance having it on as little as possible with having a nice warm house. I'd love to be the type of person who could just put on an extra couple of jumpers and pairs of socks rather than … [Read more...]
Scandal at the Boot Sale….
I love having a wander around the car boot sale on a Sunday afternoon but yesterday I was quite shocked by something that I saw, perhaps naively so. I was stood at a stall with Miss Frugal when someone pointed out to the stallholder that a lady was filling a carrier bag with items off the bonnet of her car. The stallholder shouted at the lady who was moving away at this point and ended up running after her and grabbing the lady's bags off her. They both started shouting and the 'thief' said she had just forgot to pay! After a bit of a tussle the stallholder grabbed the lady's bags and … [Read more...]
A Sad Day and a New Challenge….
First of all, if you've popped over from Netmums or Tesco - Welcome. I really hope you stick around. You can subscribe if you want to by clicking on the logo over there in the sidebar. Go on, you know you want to ;-) >>Now, on to the sad part of the post - Today's the day I've finally got rid of my gorgeous Smeg Fridge. We've had loads of problemssince we bought it form someone I know from work, the seal went on the door, the freezer compartment door snapped and it started leaking every few weeks so when it leaked again last night we decided to put it in the garage and bring … [Read more...]
Family Friendly Frugal Meals – Sausage Pie….
After last weeks attempt to follow the Sainsbury's Feed your family for £50 challenge, I've decided that we do need a bit of variety on our menu. Apparently nine out of ten people make the same eight meals over and over again and looking back at my recent menu plans it looks like I'm one of those nine. Not that there's anything wrong with that but we did enjoy the variety of last week so I'm going to try and introduce some new meals to my rather limited repetoire....Monday: Sweet and sour chickenTuesday: Macaroni cheeseWednesday: Jambalaya Thursday: Sausage pie (see … [Read more...]
How to Save Money….
In our quest to try and live a more frugal lifestyle (note the word try ;-)) we regularly review our monthly budget and try to shave off a few pounds here and there. In the last year or so, we've actually saved quite a bit so I thought I'd share our top tips with you all. I blogged about using cashback companies last year here and I can't recommend them highly enough. Basically, if you register with a company like Quidco you can earn cashback on your internet shopping. I always review my home and car insurance when they're due for renewal along with my telephone and internet deals … [Read more...]
Family Friendly, Frugal Meals – Chilli….
Inspired by the lovely Jen at the Madhouse whose brilliant article about feeding your family on £50.00 a week has just been published in the Guardian, I'm determined to reduce the amount of money that we spend on food each month. We have a grocery budget of £250.00 a month at the moment which is for 2 adults and 2 children. This covers all of our meals at home, packed lunches for me and the kids as well as all of our other household stuff.We used to be pretty good at sticking to the budget but lately I've been so busy that I haven't been doing our shopping online or been meal planning as … [Read more...]