I love taking photos but I'm far from being any good at it and even though I have a brilliant DSLR camera, I have no idea how to use it outside of the manual mode which is such a shame as it's capable of taking much better photos than I currently take with it!I've lost count of the number of times that I say I'm going to learn to take better photos and then done nothing about it and the fact that I feel like my photos aren't as good as they could be has taken the shine off using my camera a little bit for me - so much so that I can't even remember the last time I used it.I've been … [Read more...]
How we made beautiful wall art from some very special buttons….
My Mam died 10 years ago last November but Miss Frugal still remembers her and has some very vague but happy memories of some of the things they used to do together.One of the things they used to do was play with my Mam's button box which was filled with buttons of all shapes and sizes. They used them to learn colours, to learn to count and every now and again as a treat my my would thread a big needle and very carefully help Miss Frugal to sew a little bit.When my Mam died, I brought the buttons home with us because I knew how much Miss Frugal enjoyed playing with them but she never … [Read more...]
More ways to get free and super cheap games for your Xbox….
Remember when I told you that Xbox gave you free games every single month if you have an Xbox one or an Xbox 360?Well I've found another way although this does cost you a few pounds each month - it's called EA access!We first found out about EA access when Master Frugal was desperate to get his hands on Fifa 16 before it was released and someone told us that if you had an EA access subscription then you could download a trial version and play 10 hours of game play a week before the game itself was released. We found a code so you could get the first month for £1.79 which didn't … [Read more...]
Make more time – 10 time drains that you can cut out of your life right now ….
Do you ever wish there was a way to make more time in the day so you can get everything you need to do done?Me too, although to be fair, when I sit and think about what I do in a day, there's loads of things I can cut out or do a bit differently to actually make more time. Here's just a few of them.... Social Media This has got to be my biggest waste of time because I know that I spend longer on Facebook and Instagram than I really should - especially when I know that I have a million other things that I could be doing. I'm never going to be able to stay away from them completely but I … [Read more...]
Learning to let go….
As a parent, I like to think I have quite a relaxed style of parenting but no matter how laid back I am, I wasn't prepared for the question Master Frugal asked me last weekend: Please can I go to the park with my friends today Mam? My immediate thought was absolutely not - he's only 10 and the park is about three quarters of a mile away. I quickly thought out all of the worst case scenarios in my head which ranged anywhere from him being kidnapped to falling in the lake and from falling of a swing to being bitten by a rabid dog.(Not that I'm a worrier you understand ;-))I opened my … [Read more...]
Small things that make me smile {January 2016}….
A couple of week's ago I told you that my word for 2016 was Happy and that my plan was to do things that make me happy and try not to do things that don't make me happy. Sounds simple, doesn't it?But my focus on being happy isn't just limited to what I do or don't do - it's also about appreciating the smaller things in life that aren't really a big deal to anyone other than me because these small things add up to make my life a happy one. I thought I might get into the habit of sharing a few of them with you every month....I love how happy Master Frugal is at school - he's such a … [Read more...]
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