I'd say that Miss Frugal is a pretty typical 13 year old right now.She's permanently attached to her phone or her iPad and seems to be in constant contact with her friends be it on Messenger, Instagram or Facetime. If you ask her then she'll tell you she loves school but isn't keen on the lessons part of it (?!?) and the only reason that she enjoys it is because of her friends.She loves clothes although while the weather's so miserable she's more often than not in a pair of pyjamas when she's at home and she has a bit of a makeup obsession that she funds mostly by using her … [Read more...]
10 lessons you should teach your teenager about the internet….
I've recently had 'the talk' with Miss Frugal.Not the birds and the bees talk, that was years ago and to be fair that was more her sharing her horror with me about what someone had told her at school and me putting her straight on a few things that she's heard.No, the talk we had was about the dangers of the internet and social media because, as much as I hate it, I've come to realise that I can't monitor everything that she does and even if I could, there are plenty of ways that she could get around my rules if she wanted to seeing as she can access the internet in so many different … [Read more...]
My Word of the Year – Happy….
I’ve read lots of blog posts and social media updates over the last few weeks where people have been sharing their word of the year - the word that represents something they want to focus on in 2016.I'm a big fan of having a word of the year (last year I had more than one) and I’ve really enjoyed reading and hearing about what everyone else had chosen for their word as well as being inspired by the reasons everyone has for picking their own particular words.I didn't have to think very hard about my word for 2016 as it's something that's been playing on my mind for a little while … [Read more...]
Why our budget has a ‘fun money’ section….
Everyone's circumstances are different.Some people are frugal and thrifty because they have no other choice than to save every penny they can to pay bills and for their day to day living expenses.Some people are frugal because it's the way they were brought up and/or they just don't like to see waste.And then there's the people who are frugal through choice so they have money available to spend elsewhere that they wouldn't have necessarily had otherwise.I fall into that third category which I know makes me very lucky.We started to live frugally after a couple of family … [Read more...]
My Family Photo Project – Why 2016 will be the year of the family selfie for us….
First of all, can I just say that I was considering a little hashtag for my family photo selfie this year - #Felfie. Now I thought that was quite a cool little hashtag (although the kids told me otherwise) and that family photo + selfie would naturally be #Felfie. Not so, I've been told by my hashtag knowledgeable teen that I can't use #felfie as farmers taking selfies have apparently already nabbed it along with people who are posting fake selfies (although I have no idea how a selfie be fake).I'll have to settle for #familyselfie then for my photos but it doesn't have the same ring to it … [Read more...]
When Christmas doesn’t go according to plan….
I hope you've all had an amazing Christmas!We certainly have although it didn't go according to plan as we woke up on Christmas morning to find our central heating boiler had decided to choose Christmas Day as the day it was going to go on strike!We had no heating and no hot water and although the weather's been mild lately, there was a definite chill in the air in our house! We spent most of the day wrapped up in our dressing gowns wearing thick fluffy socks tucked up under blankets which wasn't in my plan for Christmas Day!It was freezing but even worse than the temperature in … [Read more...]
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