Not only can December be an expensive month it can also be an extremely busy month and looking at my diary, this year it's going to be even busier than usual! Between work, two different school's Christmas activities, doctors and orthodontists appointments and Christmas nights out I don't think I'm going to have chance to sit down all month. ;-)The problem I have is keeping track of it all!I need something that we can all see what's happening at a glance so we know exactly what everyone is doing and when!Mr Frugal for example needs to know if he can swap a shift at work at the … [Read more...]
So much has changed in the last 10 years Mum….
Today is the 10th anniversary of the day I lost the best person I've ever known and although I wasn't sure what to do to mark the occasion, I do know that I need to do something so I'm starting with this....Dear Mum,You were the person who taught me to be who I am today and I miss you.I miss you every day and I still get angry sometimes that you were taken away from me before I was ready.I wasn't ready to be a Mum on my own without you there to help me through the hard times and share the many happy times with me.You should have been here to see the beautiful people that … [Read more...]
How to answer the ‘Is Santa Real’ question (and how not to)….
Over the years my two have asked me many, many times if Santa was really real and I've always given them the answers I think they wanted and needed to hear.Miss Frugal for example stopped believing years ago, before most of her friends did, and although I tried to tell her otherwise, she just knew that Santa wasn't real. She's a very logical child and lots of things just didn't make sense to her so we had the talk about that quite early on.It didn't stop Christmas being magical for her though and she became my helper to keep the Santa magic alive for Master Frugal.And then last … [Read more...]
Do you waste money on presents at Christmas….
I'm not going to ask you how much you spend on your children at Christmas because, let's face it, it as nothing to do with me how much you spend.What I wanted to ask you to do today is to consider if some of the things you buy are a waste of money?Every year I see toys and gifts being advertised on TV that I look at and think are a complete waste of money. Toys that look amazing but will rarely live up to expectations - they'll be played with once or twice before being relegated to the back of the cupboard. And don't even get me started on the huge range of novelty gifts that have … [Read more...]
What do you do with all the works of art your children make?
Are you the sort of mother who keeps every work of art that your child brings home or do you wait until they're not looking and throw most of it in the bin?What about if I told you that you could keep EVERY single piece of art that your children made without having boxes full of it around the house?Keep reading....I used to keep everything that they made and displayed it all proudly on the back wall of my kitchen, like a little art gallery. It was always the first thing that anyone visiting my kitchen would be drawn to and everyone always commented on what a lovely idea it was - it … [Read more...]
{Free Printables} Letter to Santa templates and how to get a reply from the big guy himself….
Writing our annual letters to Santa is one of our Christmas traditions and probably the only Christmassy thing that we do with the kids before the 1st December.We always do it at some point in November because (a) I like to be all bought and wrapped as early as possible so the sooner I know what they want, the better and (b) we generally send their letters to the Royal Mail Santa Service for a reply and their deadline is usually early on in December.This year is the first year that we have no Santa believers in the house so trying to get them to write to Santa with a wishlist didn't go … [Read more...]
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