As always, we're counting down the days to the Summer Holidays this year (19 sleeps for us) and we can't wait for the freedom that the holidays always bring - no early mornings for the kids, no school, no homework, no early nights and even better than all of that is the three weeks holiday I have coming up!I don't know about you but in the past we've tried to fit so much in to our time off that we've been exhausted rather than refreshed by the time September comes around! Last year was a bit different for us though as we tried to have a bit of a lazy Summer which meant that, although we … [Read more...]
My Week {5th July 2015}….
This picture pretty much sums up this last week for me - lots of time in the garden, lots of work to get through and lots of time spent with the kids! It's been such a gorgeous week this week hasn't it? So nice in fact that I've spent most of my week (when I haven't been asleep or at work) sat outside in the garden.My garden isn't the biggest and it certainly isn't the prettiest right now but I have a nice little spot in the shade where my table and chairs are set up and I've really enjoyed sitting out there watching the kids play on the trampoline and putting down all of the ideas that … [Read more...]
Here’s my secret to organising family life….
I don't know about you but life can be chaotic around here sometimes!Take this coming week for example, I have to remember some important work meetings, what shifts Mr Frugal is working, the early finish and the non uniform day for Miss Frugal, a family fun day that needs cakes, raffle prizes and money for Master Frugal, numerous after school clubs, a lunch date with a friend and a dentists appointment for the kids. Oh, and an appointment for the dog with the groomers.Granted, next week is slightly busier than normal but even a normal week required more juggling than a clown to make … [Read more...]
My Week {28th June 2015}….
I do love blogging, I really do. But sometimes I get caught up in it all and forget the one reason why I started blogging. You see, I didn't start blogging for all you lovely readers (although you're an amazing added bonus) and I didn't start blogging to make money or to be the best.I started blogging to keep a diary of sorts about the things we get up to as a family because it's more important to me than I can explain in a sentence that we have a record of our happy memories. But lately, we've made memories that I haven't shared on here because I didn't think the things we've done would … [Read more...]
Time Traveller – Disneyland Paris 2009….
This week I'm joining in with Marianne and her fantastic Time Traveller linky and I'm going to share one of our pre-blog holidays with you. We used to travel quite a lot when the kids were younger and even more so before we had them as I was a travel agent when I was younger and we took full advantage of the holiday freebies I was offered.I've got boxes of holiday photos in the garage and Miss Frugal and I often like to sit and look through them and there's so many that I could have chosen to share today but I chose this one because it's my happiest holiday memory. Disneyland Paris … [Read more...]
Can you be a friend to your daughter as well as her parent?
Miss Frugal is almost 13 now and I think we have a great mother and daughter relationship.We're also friends.Now, I know some of you will be shaking your head at me saying that we're friends because I see lots of people saying that they're a parent and not a friend to their children and although I understand why people say that, I don't agree at all.Don't get me wrong though, I am a parent first and I always make decisions with my parent hat on but I do believe that there's a way to be both a parent and a friend to my daughter by sticking to a few simple guidelines. I respect … [Read more...]
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