Master Frugal left last Monday morning for a three night trip to Edinburgh with his classmates.The trip cost around £150 and we were told that £40 would be a good amount of spending money to send them. It seemed like a lot of money when we first signed the permission slip last year but he was so desperate to go with his friends that saying no was never an option!Fast forward to last Monday morning and as I dropped him off at school at the ridiculously early hour of 6am, I knew that I wasn't ready for him to go away for that long without me and to be honest, I didn't think he was ready … [Read more...]
I’m not ready….
This morning I dropped Master Frugal off at school (at the ridiculous time of 6am might I add) for his first school residential.He's going away for three nights which is by far the longest I've been away from him before and if I'm honest, as he rushed on to the coach with all of his friends laughing and chatting at the tops of their voices about how much fun they were going to have, a teeny tiny tear may have escaped.I just don't think I'm ready for him to grow up yet.I'm worrying now about what he'll eat, whether he'll miss me, who'll hug him if he hurts himself and most … [Read more...]
How to STOP annoying game invites on Facebook in less than 20 seconds!
Hands up if you want to stop receiving those annoying game app requests on Facebook.Yep, me too!Here's how you do it on your mobile / tablet....>> Go to your account settings.>> Select Apps>> Find where it says Platform and click on it.>> Select No to Game RequestsYou're welcome!If you use the desktop version of Facebook then you can also stop them by following this process.....>> Go to your account settings.>> Select Apps>> Below Apps, Websites and Plug ins, click edit and then disable … [Read more...]
7 facts about money that will make your hair stand on end….
As a child, one of my favourite things to do was to count the money in my Dad's copper jar. I had a little system going on and I vividly remember putting all the copper into equal piles and then adding them up before transferring them into money bags ready to be paid in to the bank (there was no supermarket machines for this back then).I also remember the smell on my hands afterwards and my Dad telling me to go wash my hands - sometimes I did, sometimes I went upstairs and just ran the tap pretending to wash them (which took just as long as actually washing them if I recall).I can … [Read more...]
{Free Printable} Encouraging Children to Save their Pocket Money with a Fun Savings Tracker….
We don't have any rules around saving pocket money here and we leave it up to the kids whether they want to save their money or spend it. Obviously I want them to learn to save but at aged 10 and 12, I'd rather they saved because they wanted to and not because I told them that they had to if you know what I mean.Miss Frugal has been doing really well with her money management since we got her a debit card with GoHenry. The app really encourages her to save with a great savings tracker which seems to be doing the job as far as making her want to save some of her pocket money but I don't … [Read more...]
Our Day at the Dogs Trust….
Last week we were lucky enough to be invited along for a bit of a VIP tour of our local Dogs Trust centre in Darlington. Miss Frugal was ridiculously excited about the day as she loves the Dogs Trust and regularly sends me emails of dogs that she's found on their site that she thinks will make a good friend for Buddy, our little Bichon Frise.The Dogs Trust centre was very different to what I was expecting and I wanted to share a little of our experience with you today but to more than that, I want to inspire you to pop along to your own local Dogs Trust centre or even better, to sponsor a … [Read more...]
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