I really think it's important to have one to one time with my children - as much for my benefit as for theirs and as I mentioned before Christmas, Miss Frugal and I have starting a regular date night once a week. We've agreed that every Friday night we'll go somewhere or do something together, just the two of us.So far, we've been for hot chocolates at Costa, make-up shopping, window shopping for clothes, wallpaper sample hoarding and we've had movie nights and spa nights at home. It's not that difficult to find things to do together because I understand her completely and the things … [Read more...]
My Spring bucket list….
I don't know about you but I find that a great way to focus myself on what I want to achieve is to write it down! I have a notebook that I carry around in my handbag that is filled with random ideas, lists and scribblings and every now and again, I transfer it all to Evernote which is an app you can have on your mobile, tablet and laptop. I could of course just type my notes straight into Evernote but I much prefer to get it down on paper first.So, now you know this about me you probably get why I like to write a seasonal bucket list to focus on some small goals that I want to achieve - … [Read more...]
What’s in my handbag (or more to the point, what’s not in my handbag)….
I read a post written by Kara last week over on Chelsea Mamma about what's in her handbag and it made me think about how you can probably tell what age someone's children are by the contents of their handbag.Like Kara's handbag, mine used to consist of everything but the kitchen sink when my two were babies, with only slightly less in there when they were toddlers. But now that they're (almost 10) and 12, my handbag appears to be my own again.So for no reason other than I want to, I thought I'd share with you what's in my handbag right now....I have nothing child related in … [Read more...]
Hot dog pizza toast….
I don't know about you but I seem to find myself being added to numerous Facebook groups recently and looking down the list of things I'd been added to the other day, I found a group that I thought I actually might like so instead of deleting it, I clicked on the link to view the group.I'm not going to name the group but the first post I read was a lady who had mentioned that she was feeding her children hot dogs for lunch. Now I know as much as the next person that there is very little nutritional value to a hot dog but the comments that this lady was getting from some people were … [Read more...]
Half way through half term – 10 free things you can do today….
I hope you're all having as much fun this half term as we are!We're trying to cram in as much as possible before I go back to work on Friday so we've been quite busy so far this week. We're almost half way through the week now though so I'm getting ready to hear those dreaded words.... Mam, I'm Bored. It's almost inevitable that someone is going to say them in the next day or two so I have my bored jar at the ready and I'm also armed with lots of ideas for things for us to do that aren't going to break the bank.Here's my top ten ideas for free activities that you can do together … [Read more...]
Mum’s can sulk too….
It goes without saying that I'm extremely proud of both of my children for many reasons but this post isn't about that. It's about what happened when I said the thing I said I would never say to my children.... This house isn't a hotel so don't treat it like one! I said I'd never say it because I always want my children to feel comfortable in their own home and to know that they're always welcome and that they can always bring their friends round (which they do - a lot). I've made sure that they have comfortable bedrooms that have space for them to play and it pleases me that they both … [Read more...]
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