In my mind, there's two different types of cooking.There's the cooking you have to do to feed your family and then there's the cooking you do for fun, usually for me that's because I have an ingredient or an idea I want to try.Just lately, we've had so much going on that I haven't had time for the fun side of cooking. In fact, I've probably only just been managing to keep up with the feeding my family type of cooking if I'm honest! But tonight, I went in the fridge for something and found some mushrooms that needed using up so I decided to have a play.The resulting meal was … [Read more...]
Family Photo Walk – a stroll through the park….
Hasn't today been a gorgeous day?I've had the windows open, the washing on the line and I'm feeling happy because the sun's shining and I have a few days off work with the kids this week.We decided to start something we've been planning for a while this afternoon to take advantage of the good weather - we went on our first family photo walk. We first talked about this a few weeks ago because Master Frugal would like to start taking more photographs and Miss Frugal would like to start going out for walks to different places. A family photo walk is the two combined which should keep … [Read more...]
Treat yourself to some ‘me’ time on a budget…
As much as I don't like the ever increasing commercialism of Valentines Day, I do actually like the day itself and the idea behind it. We never spend a fortune on gifts and we don't bother with cards but we do buy small gifts for each other and I always buy the kids something silly too!Around this time over the last few years I've written about how to be a cheap date and how to keep your romance alive on a budget and I've also shared my top 50 frugal date ideas with you but this year, I thought I'd share something different with you.This year, I want to focus on ways to love yourself … [Read more...]
Do more of what makes you happy….
Last year I wrote about how I wanted to help my children focus on the small things that make them happy (inspired by Karin's Embrace Happy philosophy) and I shared the Happy Books that we made together for them to write their happy moments in there.I still encourage them to write in their Happy books and just looking at some of the entries makes me smile. This is my personal favourite from Miss Frugal who obviously didn't fancy our planned trip to a local museum recently: We went to the museum and it was shut! But can I do more to help my children find their own Happy?First of … [Read more...]
12 Apps your Teen can’t live without….
Before I start, this post isn't meant to be a debate about when children are old enough for phones or an opportunity to point out that we managed perfectly well without phones when we were younger. It's not even a discussion about whether children should be allowed on social media although points of view are more than welcome as always if you really have to get in to that whole debate on here.The whole point of this post is to share with you some of Miss Frugal's favourite apps from her phone. In fact, when I say I'm going to share ten apps that your tween can't live without I clearly … [Read more...]
#ThriftyThursday – Do you take notice of the best before and use by dates?
The amount of times I've seen questions in various online forums recently about whether or not something is safe to eat has really got me thinking lately about Best Before and Use By dates.It drives me mad when someone answers 'sniff it and see' to a question about whether out of date chicken is OK to eat because I would never serve food that's past it's use by date to anyone. I know I'm probably in the minority and most people would be OK with it as long as it looks and smells OK but I just couldn't!I still buy food in the reduced section at the supermarket though, I just freeze … [Read more...]
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