Anyone who knows me will tell you that I love a good list and wouldn't be surprised in the least to hear that somewhere in early November (may have even been October) I sat down and wrote a list of Christmas crafts and activities that I was going to blog about. I had one thing to write about for ever day leading up to Christmas and I planned to fill my evenings with crafting, baking and other Christmassy activities.But then the 1st December finally arrived and I readied myself for the marathon month of posting and suddenly, I didn't feel like it. I decided that I didn't want to fill my … [Read more...]
Reindeer Dust….
No matter how old you are, if you want to wake up to presents on Christmas morning you really should be sprinkling some reindeer dust on your path on Christmas Eve to help the reindeers find their way to your house! ;-)Reindeer dust has always been on of our favourite Christmas Eve traditions and I know I've told you about it many, many times so I'm not going to bore you with how you make it today, although you can find out here how we make it if you're interested.What I wanted to tell you today is that I've set up a brand spanking new Pinterest board with ideas on how to make your … [Read more...]
Your fridge door NEEDS this – the key to an Organised Christmas (Free Printable)….
I don't know about you but for me the whole month of December seems to disappear in a blur of christmas parties, nativity plays and carol services. Add to that my own Christmas nights out and shopping days and that's a lot of dates to remember without even thinking about the essential dates like when I have to have my secret Santa gifts wrapped and ready for and when I have to order my turkey by!I feel like from Mid-November onwards, I need something visual to remind of where we need to be and when so after a quick think, I narrowed it down to two ideas. I decided on either post it notes … [Read more...]
My Autumn bucket list update and my new Christmas bucket list….
This was my Autumn bucket list posted waaaay back in September.I'm just about to write my Winter bucket list but before I do, I thought I'd give you a quick update on how I got on with this one....Buy and build shelves for the kitchen - DoneCook one new meal a week - Done (most weeks)Make more time for friends - Getting there although I'm still not great with my time management so I never seem to have much time!Be completely ready for Christmas by December 1st - DoneStick to writing lists and using Google Calendar for blogging - Done, and much more organised because of … [Read more...]
Protect yourself from Fraud….
Did you know that Fraud cost the people of Britain over £600 million in 2013?I had no idea that the figure was that high although I do know that fraudsters seem to be getting cleverer by the day if the spoof emails I receive on a daily basis. Some of them are so authentic that it's no wonder people fall for them and end up giving their details to a fraudster. But it's not just spoof emails you need to be aware of because there's so many other tactics that fraudsters are using these days - in fact, I bet you've never have even thought of some of them, let alone thought about how to … [Read more...]
The Activity Advent – 40 Fun and Frugal things to do at Christmas with the kids….
Last year, over on my Christmas blog, I started my Activity Advent with the aim of doing one Christmas activity a day throughout December. The only problem was actually finding the time to write up what we did so this year, I thought I'd share all the things we have on our list to try. It's a pretty big list so I'm sure that we'll not have chance to do everything on the list but at least we have plenty of choice!Make homemade cinnamon stick tree decorations Make an alternative kind of advent calendar.Make Homemade S'mores and drink them with hot chocolate while watching Christmas … [Read more...]
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