It's time for my favourite post of the month again!I love writing my Siblings post every month as it makes me focus on the closeness of my children rather than on the niggly fights that they inevitably have. This month we've had lots of fun together including a weekend away with some lovely friends and lots of time outside away from all things electronic (although there's been plenty of that too with Minecraft and Plants Vs Zombies).See you next month for Summer Holiday Siblings. ;-) … [Read more...]
You know what?Sometimes being a parent really sucks.Sometimes your child says something to you that breaks your heart, something that you really want to make right.Sometimes you can't make everything better for them, but sometimes you can.This weekend my gorgeous, kind, caring little boy told me he was sick of being ginger because people were mean to him about the colour of his hair. He even told me that he thought he would be bullied when he got to senior school because of it and his face was so sad that I wanted to cry for him.It's playing on his mind at the moment … [Read more...]
Fashion Friday – Where to find bargains online….
Last week, I shared the results of our charity shop shopping trip with you and if you had chance to read it, I think you'll agree that we got a lot for our money.I've also shared in the past the results of our ebay shopping exploits which were almost as successful as we bought a Topshop playsuit, a Boohoo dress and a River Island dress - all for about £13. They've been worn lots so were great value for what we paid for them!But where else can you find bargains if you need some new clothes?I have a few sites that I keep an eye on....SocialDiscountNetwork - Can be quite … [Read more...]
My 10 favourite free things….
It really is true that the best things in life are free (although I clearly wouldn't say no if you offered me a fancy car, big house and a giant pile of money) so today, I thought I'd share my 10 favourite free things in life with you.Be warned, this may get a little bit cheesey....What's your favourite free thing? … [Read more...]
What I’m Doing Now….
One of my favourite bloggers, Becky, has tagged me to share with you all what I'm doing now. I considered making myself sound very exotic and mature but actually, I really am sat here tonight eating a takeaway in my pyjamas reading a trashy book.Reading: OK, I could lie here and tell you I'm reading some sort of grown up book with deeper meanings but I'm not. I'm actually reading a trashy romance book on my Kindle. They're my guilty secret and l love escaping into a good romance.Listening to: Actually right now I'm listening to that bloody Minecraft tune! Even when it's not on I … [Read more...]
Fashion Friday – Charity Shop Style….
It's no secret that Miss Frugal loves her clothes and she has such great style that sometimes I can't help myself and I do let her buy clothes that she doesn't necessarily need (unless you count really, really, really wanting something as needing)!BUT, as I'm trying to teach her, money doesn't grow on trees so she does have a budget when we're clothes shopping and she's quickly learning that she'll get more clothes for her money on eBay, in the sales section of shops or in charity shops. I gave her £10 a few weeks ago to buy some new Summery bits and bobs and she did a brilliant job, … [Read more...]
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