One of our goldfish sadly died yesterday, we had been expecting it so it wasn't a shock but it was still a sad moment.We held a very touching toilet burial ceremony for Jackson which involved us saying a few words to thank him for the contribution he made to our fishy community and to send him to the big blue sea in the sky.We grieved for an hour or so and then headed off to the Pet shop to replace him (as you do) and ended up buying two because the kids couldn't decide on which one to get. Master Frugal chose one who he called Ninja as soon as he saw him as he had a marking on … [Read more...]
Find the Beautiful in Every Day….
Sometimes, when things don't go to plan or I'm feeling a bit down, I think that the best thing way to deal with things is to look at the things that have happened in my day to make me even just a little bit happy - because just like the supermarket (can't remember which), it all adds up!The smallest things have been making me smile recently so I wanted to share them with you - flowers in a muddy field, smiles, squeals, cake and even a bath!And while we're on the subject of looking for happy things, have you seen the lovely shiny new Embrace Happy site that Karin … [Read more...]
My favourite way to spend a Sunday afternoon – Movies and homemade popcorn….
I love Sunday afternoons lazing on the settee with a bowl of homemade popcorn watching a film with the kids - even more so now that they're a little bit older and want to watch films that I actually have a chance of enjoying with them!Homemade popcorn tastes much nicer than the shop bought bags of it and you don't need anything special to make it with other than a pan with a lid. I did consider buying a popcorn maker at one point as they're not overly expensive and I imagine that they make the process even easier but to be fair, it's not difficult anyway so there's no point going out … [Read more...]
The results of my handwriting analysis….
Remember a few weeks ago when I shared my love of post-it notes with you?Well one of the notes was sent away to a handwriting analyst for them to analyse what my handwriting would tell them about me.If I'm honest, I half expected it would come back with something along the lines of me being lonely and desperate seeing as I was trying to use the promise of popcorn to bribe my 11 year old to watch a film with me but actually, it's much more in-depth than that. “You try hard to be a dependable person, and when you give your word you will try to stick to it. Whether at home or at … [Read more...]
Siblings – April….
Did you know that it was National Siblings day last Thursday? No. Me neither ;-) I've started to really look forward to writing my monthly Siblings post - as I mentioned last month, it really helps me to focus more on the good times rather than the little arguments that they regularly have. I really recommend taking part in this linky if you're a blogger and if you're not, you could do something yourself. Even if it's just a quick collage on Picmonkey or similar of your favourite sibling moments from each … [Read more...]
Quick update on our search for a Knitting Nana….
Remember a few weeks ago when I wrote about our search for a knitting Nana to help Miss Frugal with her knitting?Well, we haven't found one yet but she did manage to finish the special blanket she was trying to make:It's not as neat as she was hoping for and she was hoping to have more squares of the multi coloured wool so it would be like a chequer board effect but still, it's gorgeous and she did it all herself.Now on to her next project....#ProudMum … [Read more...]
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