I love this time of year.The lighter nights and nicer weather give us the chance to do lots of things after school that we can't do over the Winter without needing a hot chocolate and blanket to thaw us out when we get home! We try and do something every night when the weather's nice and although I don't plan ahead very much or have a daily schedule, I do have a rough idea of the things we'll be doing for the week ahead.To give you an idea, this is what we did last week after school each day:1. Monday: We went to the park for an hour although because we're lucky enough to … [Read more...]
Five frugal things I’ve done this week (and five very un-frugal things I may or may not have done)….
We're away on a last minute break this week so I cashed in the spare change that we save and found out we'd saved £21.54 since the last time we cashed in - extra spending money for our week away! Miss Frugal likes to drink bottled water as she says it tastes different to tap water but I save the bottles and on a night I fill them with tap water and put them in the fridge so when she thinks she's drinking bottled water, it's more often than not actually tap water! Packed a lovely packed lunch picnic for our loooong journey so we don't need to pay service station prices. Got some great … [Read more...]
Expressions – the one with the pre-teen attitudes….
There's a new photo linky in town people and this one is perfect for me! At the moment, I'm slowly (very slowly) venturing out of the auto mode on my camera and trying to teach myself how to take better photos which means I'm rarely without my camera. My favourite thing to photograph are the kids face which is why I love the idea of this linky - it's called 'Expressions' and is all about focusing on peoples faces and their expressions. This week, I thought I'd share some of Miss Frugal's funny faces with you - she loves having her photo taken (although she would probably tell you … [Read more...]
Teaching children about Money: What do you tell the kids when you can’t afford something…..
I've haven't really been on the ball with these posts lately I'm afraid as real life has taken up way more time than normal and I've struggled to find the time to blog as much as I would have liked to! Anyway, things seem to be settling down now and I read a really interesting thread on Facebook last week that I wanted to share with you to see what your thoughts are on the subject so here I am.Basically, someone asked for advice on what she should tell her children when she couldn't afford something and opinions were pretty much evenly split between being open and honest and just … [Read more...]
10 kitchen gadgets you absolutely don’t need and 5 that you actually do need….
I'm going through a massive de-cluttering phase at the moment and the kitchen is definitely the biggest job. Honestly, you should see my cupboards now - let alone before I started the mammoth task of de-gadgeting my kitchen!Here's my ten gadgets that I can absolutely live without....A Quesadilla maker I'm not even joking when I tell you that Mr Frugal bought me this for Christmas a few years ago because HE loves it when I make Quesadillas. A cupcake maker Yes, I know. Waste. Of. Money. It was a bargain buy though as it was reduced to something like £3! An electric … [Read more...]
Who doesn’t love a Post-it note….
As you may already know, I'm a bit of a stationery-holic and I love anything stationery related! Miss Frugal is following in my footsteps and has *almost* as much stationery as I have - she even has a drawer just for her notepads!Earlier this week when we opened an envelope filled with post-it pads, I'm actually not sure who squealed the loudest although Mr Frugal assures me that it was definitely me! The reason we received such an exciting (to us) delivery is because I've been asked to take part in a bit of a challenge to explore what the written word can mean to … [Read more...]
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