They might fight but they couldn't love each other more. … [Read more...]
Teaching Children about Money – Pocketmoney….
Probably the most obvious way to teach children about the value of money is to give your child regular pocket money and encourage them to save up for things they want to buy and to budget their money so they don't run out before their next 'payday'.I know from talking about pocket money on here previously that there isn't a one answer suits all solution to how much or what age so I'm going to tell you what I do and I've also asked some of my blogging friends to share their thoughts too so hopefully you'll read something that you think will work your family.At the moment we give Miss … [Read more...]
The one with the phone call from school….
You know how one of my New Years resolutions was to be more organised.Well it's only day 9 and I failed (actually I technically failed on day 8 as this happened yesterday)!My children are often the last children in the school playground on an afternoon due to the fact I finish work half an hour before school lets out and drive the 15 odd miles to the school and either struggle to squeeze my car into a space the size of a go kart or I park a mile hike from the school!I'm often the one rushing in through the school gates as all the other (more organised) parents are strolling out … [Read more...]
25 things you should do this year with your children….
This year I've sat down with the kids and we've made a '25 things to do together before the end of the year' list ;-)I thought it would be a good way to focus on a few of the things that we want to do together because really, if we keep putting them off then all too soon they're going to be too grown up to want to do them together. At 11 and (almost) 9, I'm guessing we don't have too long left before they'd rather be playing with their friends than spending time with us!Some things we've done before and some things the kids have done but would like to do with us as a family this time. … [Read more...]
What to do when the heating isn’t working….
After my experience with our central heating breaking down last Friday night, I can confirm that it isn't a pleasant experience to spend 24 hours without heating in the company of two sniffly children, a whingey husband and a dog who hates the cold!I did learn a few things from my experience though and I thought you'd be grateful for my little pearls of wisdom so you'll know exactly what to do when the heating isn't working in your house.First of all, hot chocolate can pretty much stop all whinging immediately so make sure you always have some in your cupboard. Squirty cream and … [Read more...]
My week in Instagram….
I love looking back on my week's Instagram photos as they're all just brief snapshots of what we've been up to - the fun we've had and the things we've done. Here's this week's photos....So, among other things, this week's photos include a bit of One Direction, a burnt meal, an Epic hot chocolate and my dog Buddy which means it's been a pretty typical week really! … [Read more...]
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