This time of year, more than any other, makes me realise just how lucky I am.I could focus on much loved family and friends who are no longer with us or one of a number of things that are on my mind right now but instead I'm choosing to think about the good things in my life because they massively outweigh the things that make me sad!I have a lovely family with children who amaze me and make me proud every day, a good job which I am lucky enough to only work part time hours at, a lovely home near the sea and some fantastic friends - both on and offline. Lots of people don't have that … [Read more...]
My view right now….
This is my view right now from where I'm snuggled up on the settee with my hot chocolate and my Christmas magazine and I'm very pleased to say that it's making me feel a lot more festive than I've been feeling lately. I may have said this before (I've been feeling sorry for myself so it's highly likely) but for the last few weeks (actually over a month but who's counting) I've not been well and haven't had the energy or the inclination to do very much at all. So even though we've been doing the obligatory Christmas crafts and decorating, it's felt like a huge effort and I've done it more … [Read more...]
Why aren’t there more photographs of you Mummy?
I know I'm not alone in this but I don't like having my photo taken and like many of you, I'm much more comfortable being the person behind the camera which is where you can usually find me.I love taking photos and I always have a camera within my reach, whether it's my phone camera or one of my three cameras (they're all good for different things so I NEED them all - honestly). I have literally thousands of photos and the kids are so used to me taking photos of them that they know just to get on with what they're doing and let me click away.I've been a bit obsessed with recording … [Read more...]
This year’s letters to Santa made me cry….
Just to clarify, I'm not seriously ill or anything. I just have a viral infection that antibiotics are sorting out but it comes with a nasty cough that's been making me sick and I think it's worried them. … [Read more...]
The Christmas Elves are out and about….
I bet if you've been on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook today you'll have seen at least one mention of a Christmas Elf. I know I've seen at least twenty but that's probably because someone added me to a Christmas elf Facebook group without me noticing ;-)In case you don't know, a Christmas elf is an elf who comes to live with your family for the run up to Christmas. He keeps an eye on everyone and then at night he reports to Santa how well behaved everyone's been. He might be a little mischievous and he'll more than likely hide somewhere different each morning when he gets back from … [Read more...]
It’s back – the nosey bloggers Christmas tree linky….
<div align="center"><a href="" title="The Diary of a Frugal Family"><img src="" alt="The Diary of a Frugal Family" style="border:none;" /></a></div> I'm a very nosey person by nature and I really enjoyed last year's nosey bloggers Christmas tree linky because I got to peak in some of your living rooms and see your Christmas trees all decorated and festive. Seeing as lots of you linked … [Read more...]
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