As much as I love to encourage the kids to play outside wherever possible and to do other none computer related things when we're in the house, I have to accept that they're going to want to play on the internet!For the most part, I'm happy for them to use the internet - Miss Frugal is required to use it every week to research her homework anyway and I genuinely believe that the right amount of time on the internet is good for them, as long as you make sure that you know exactly what they're doing online.We use a mix of educational sites and fun sites and I do limit the amount of time … [Read more...]
Happy Birthday to us….
I know you all know and you're just not letting on that you know.In a minute I'm going to go on Twitter and you're all going to tweet me at once and say 'Surprise' and 'Happy Bloggaversary' because obviously you all know that today marks four years since I started blogging!Seriously though, I can't believe that I've been blogging for four whole years - the time has just flown by and I've loved every minute (well most of them anyway). made some brilliant friends.As a family blogging had given us some amazing experiences and for me personally, blogging has given me more confidence … [Read more...]
We’re ba-ack – here’s what we thought of Pontins Southport….
This started off as a post that was going to be about what we'd been up to this week but turned into a bit of a review about where we stayed so I thought I should make it clear that is not a paid for review or anything like that. We paid for the accommodation ourselves - £139 for all of us for a full week)We're back from our week away and I'm so tired that I feel like I need another week to get over it!We've had a brilliant week although I'm not sure that I'm in two minds as to whether I'd recommend Pontins or not. It was great fun and a brilliant price for a last minute week away if … [Read more...]
Sports Day – Holiday Style….
We missed Sports Day this year as we're away on a last minute holiday so we decided to have our own Sports Day....Much better than the egg and spoon race and the sack race I think you'll agree! Next up is the who can eat the most ice cream competition which I'm pretty sure I'm the favourite to win.... … [Read more...]
We’re not here….
Have you noticed that it's been a bit quiet around here this week?That's because last Thursday we decided to have a last minute cheeky week away so we booked a late deal to Pontins in Southport and that's where we've been since Saturday night. We have no TV (actually we have one but it's broken and the three visits to reception haven't resulted in a working TV), the Wifi is practiclly non existent and half the time we can't even get reception on our phones to send a text message but thinking about it, that's probably why we're having so much fun!We've managed to find more games that … [Read more...]
Is it really the thought that counts….
This morning I got up really early to catch up on some work before everyone else got up and chaos descended over the house. Instead, I made the mistake of having a look on eBay and Facebook before getting started - just for a few minutes you understand.Except I saw a link on Facebook to a recent news article that made me stop and think just how ungrateful some people could be. So I decided to write about that instead of doing the things I needed to do!Basically the story was about a bride who, in a series of texts to one of her guests, was extremely rude to one of the guests about the … [Read more...]
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