You may (or may not) remember the last time I posted my weekly photo round-up a couple of weeks ago, I mentioned that I was very conscious that a lot of the things that we were doing together were indoors and at home. I've really tried to make more of an effort in the last two weeks to get out and about a bit more - despite the very cold March weather we're seeing at the moment! Top row:We were downstairs in Primark when we found a big pile of life size One Direction cardboard cutouts tucked out of the way - we couldn't resist standing them up and having a pose with them. Master … [Read more...]
Thank you….
Firstly, thank you for your lovely emails and messages after my last post about my accident last week. I really am OK although if I'm honest I am finding it a bit hard to move on from it. I'm sure I'll feel better when the garage finally collect my battered car so I don't have to see it on the drive every time I go out of the house! In the meantime, I'm getting lots of extra cuddles so you don't need to worry about me at all ;-)My second thank you is because I'm a finalist in the MAD blog awards again this year thanks to your nominations. I'm so grateful for everyone who took the … [Read more...]
I’m still here….
In case you're wondering where I've gone, I'm still here. I've just had a bit of an odd few days....I had a bit of a close call on Friday afternoon driving home from work when a truck that was overtaking me pulled back into my lane and hit me at around 50mph. I somehow managed to get out of the car with not even a scratch which is a miracle considering my poor car is massively dented from the front to the back and the doors won't even open or close properly now. The driver got out and straight away apologised and said it was because I was in his blind spot - he should have known I was … [Read more...]
Simple photography for beginners – the bite size easy version….
I take a lot of photos and by a lot, I mean a LOT ;-)I have a DSLR camera and one of my ambitions this year was to learn to use it so I could venture out of Auto mode. I've haven't really done much to achieve this though for a couple of reasons - I've just started a new job which meant that everything was chaos for about six weeks while I finished everything up at my old job and started my new one. Even now, I'm still settling in to my new role and working more hours than usual while I find my feet. My other excuse reason is that I have an iPhone which takes excellent photos so I rarely … [Read more...]
Our week in pictures – the bumper edition….
I can't believe that we're nearly half way through March already, it's just flying by and it seems like only yesterday that we were seeing the New Year in!January and at least half of February passed us by in a blur of germs and illness (you probably already know this though as I moaned about it at least twice a week on here) and then I started my new job which meant another few weeks went by in a blur of business and extra hours at work and so far, March is disappearing just as fast without me having a chance to slow it down.And on top of the general business of life at the minute, … [Read more...]
A very modern Mothers Day….
Generally I'm not a big fan of Mothers Day.Don't get me wrong though, I love the homemade cards and the cuddles that I get and I certainly don't object to the gifts but special days make me remember what I don't have. I don't have my Mam any more and although she's in my thoughts all year round, days like this focus my mind on her much more than usual. Facebook had me almost in tears this morning as almost every post is someone saying Happy Mothers Day to their Mum and I desperately wish I could do the same!But I can't so today, I'll be keeping very busy and enjoying all the love … [Read more...]
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