This year Miss Frugal has decided that she doesn't want to wear a traditional Halloween costume - she'd much rather have a pretty one! I've explained to her that the whole point of a Halloween costume is to wear a spooky costume but she's not having any of it.She looks, in her own words, like a rainbow has thrown up on her!Even Master Frugal isn't that bothered this year, I had to twist his arm to get him to wear a mask let alone a full costume! … [Read more...]
Getting Active….
I try to encourage the kids to play outside as much as possible - in all weathers.The street we live on is quiet enough and they do enjoy scooting up and down the street on their scooters but with the nights drawing in I don't like them to go too far so it gets a bit boring for them. This is why I try and make our garden somewhere that they're happy to play and that their friends will enjoy playing in too.We've bought lots of things for them to play with - everything from footballs to cricket bats and from Swingball to a croquet set! The best thing by far that we have at the minute … [Read more...]
Mummy Mugshot – Me as a child….
I love the idea of the Mummy Mugshot linky over at life, love and living with boys.I have literally thousands of pictures stored on my computer and on various memory sticks around the house and I would say that until recently, there were probably less than 20 (if that) that have me in the same picture as the kids. I've started to take more photos with me in them lately though - I want to be a part of the memories that we make every day and not just the person behind the camera all the time.When I look at a picture of me, I see someone who needs to lose weight, get a haircut and wear … [Read more...]
My little superhero….
With Halloween fast approaching, lots of you will be thinking about costumes for the big day!In past years we've dresses as zombies, witches, ghosts, zombie brides, Dracula - even a giant pumpkin! But this year neither of the kids wanted to go for your typical scary Halloween style outfit. Miss Frugal isn't really bothered about trick or treating this year and isn't bothered about dressing up at all and as for Master Frugal, he wanted to dress up as a superhero.The problem is that all the shops are selling the more conventional Halloween costumes so there wasn't much around for him. … [Read more...]
Feeling better – the frugal way….
I have a sore throat which I have no doubt will turn into a full blown cold which means that I'm likely to spend the few days off that I have with the kids during half term in one of two ways. Either snuggled up on the sofa with them moaning that they want to be out doing things, or actually out doing things with me moaning that I want to be at home snuggled up on the sofa.So, I'm currently sat here with my favourite cold remedy..........Hot lemon, honey and ginger.What do you think - Is this going to help or should I really just go to the shop and buy some of the strongest … [Read more...]
Our Special Box….
Miss Frugal is just like me - she loves shiny things, especially pink shiny things!Everywhere we go she's on the look out for something new to add to her special shiny things collection - whether it's a special stone she sees on the floor, a shiny jewel in a gift shop or even an old brooch or other shiny jewellery in a charity shop or at a car boot sale.Until recently she had about ten trinket boxes of various sizes filled with her treasured but when we were sent a lovely wooden box (I can't even remember what was in it now) with a little tray in that lifts in and out, she decided to … [Read more...]
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